District 6 Litter Clean-Up Campaign
Calling all Philadelphia Region Elementary and Secondary Students!!
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) is asking our Philadelphia Region students for help in keeping our communities and roadways clean by discouraging others from littering.
Students are invited to create a drawing or video that promotes a message to the public on why littering is bad. We believe the power of a message from our youth will help people to pause and listen.
Each year an unhealthy amount of trash is thrown on our roadways in Pennsylvania and the United States, and an enormous amount of resources is used each year to clean up the litter. PennDOT spends over $13 million per year to pick up litter along our state-owned highways. Students can choose to send in a drawing or video on why we should not litter in Pennsylvania. Not only does it create an ugly image on our roadways but produces an unhealthy environment for our communities and wildlife.
Please create drawings in color on 8.5 x 11 paper and send to robbriggs@pa.gov as an attachment, or send a photo of your drawing.
Videos sent in should be no more than 35 seconds. You can either have someone film you or your group sharing a litter message or send in a selfie. Students are welcomed to submit individual videos or with fellow students and friends. If videos are recorded with people living outside of your household, remember to wear a mask.
Students’ artwork and videos must be original and in good taste; anything deemed inappropriate will be precluded. Only non-partisan, non-political, and non-violent material will be accepted. All submissions must also not infringe on the right of third parties, including but not limited to intellectual property rights, for copy writing purposes.
We hope Philadelphia Region students can help us promote keeping our communities and roadways cleaner for everyone.
If you have any questions, please contact Robyn Briggs, PennDOT Community Relations Coordinator at robbriggs@pa.gov or 610-205-6799.
Please also include the attached application with a parent/guardian signature so we may share your creativity on our Philadelphia Region social media channels on Twitter at www.twitter.com/511PAPhilly and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/groups/phillypenndot.
To learn more about litter, or to help brainstorm ideas, please visit https://www.penndot.gov/about-us/RoadsideBeautification/LitterFacts/Pages/default.aspx.