Women at PennDOT​

What would you tell young women considering careers in transportation?

We all need to get from place to place and to move goods and services. Transportation is a field where you will get a chance to work with and meet all types of people. It's not all about engineering; the industry needs all types of people and professions to make our transportation network efficient and effective.

What would you tell young women considering careers in transportation?

Transportation is dynamic and innovative. The department is always evolving and striving to improve our services and products. There are a wide variety of skill sets needed to make the entire organization successful. If one dedicates themselves to learning, then the opportunities for advancement and the variety of career options here are seemingly endless.

What would you tell young women considering careers in transportation?

I tell young women all the time to consider a career in transportation. The transportation field is varied, exciting, and challenging.

What would you tell young women considering careers in transportation?

A career in transportation doesn't mean you need to be an engineer. Transportation embodies multiple facets that need a variety of skill sets and backgrounds.

What would you tell young women considering careers in transportation?

It is essential to have talented women involved in transportation careers because roads, bridges, rail, waterways, bike/pedestrian access, and public transportation help shape the quality of life and economic development of our communities for generations.

What would you tell young women considering careers in transportation?

PennDOT is a great place to work. The organization is large and there is a wide variety of career paths to choose from — from construction and maintenance and technical engineering positions, to positions in budget, procurement, human resources, legal, information technology, etc. I am glad I chose PennDOT. In my 10-year career, I worked on a wide range of projects and assignments and have met a lot of dedicated and knowledgeable people. Through my project work, I got to learn about a number of various activities PennDOT is involved in, but I know there's a large number of business areas I have not worked with yet. There is an impressive variety of impactful work that gets accomplished by PennDOT employees.

What would you tell young women considering careers in transportation?

Believe in yourself and your abilities. Don't be afraid to take chances, and be open to the various career paths and opportunities that exist within the transportation industry. You never know where they may lead.