Litter Brigades

Litter Brigades are comprised of two groups:

  • Junior Litter Brigades and
  • Adult Litter Brigades.

The Junior Litter Brigade offers juvenile offenders the opportunity to give back to their communities through litter pick-up. Offenders earn $14 per lane mile per event, which is reimbursed to County Probation Offices. PennDOT will provide gloves, bags, and vests, and, upon notification, will pick up bags collected.

Adult Litter Brigades are administered by County Magistrates through County Probation Offices. Offenders (DUI, DWI, etc.) receive community service sentencing as part of their adjudication. PennDOT provides gloves, bags, and vests. This is not a reimbursable event.

These programs are not mandated and are provided on a voluntary basis.


Contacts (PDF)