Working For You

In District 2, 112 projects are underway or expected to start or go out for bid this year, with a total value of $506.6 million. You can find weekly updates of planned department maintenance activities on the District 2 page.

From January 2023 through December 2023, 44 construction contract for highway, bridge, and other improvement projects were completed in the district through PennDOT's private-sector partners.


Bridges Repaired, Replaced, or Preserved*


Miles of Roadway Improved *


Projects +


Million in Projects +

+ Underway or expected to start or go out for bid this year in District 2 | * From January 2023 Through December 2023

In District 2, 39 bridges were repaired, replaced, or preserved by PennDOT or industry forces through December 2023. 572 miles of roadway were improved by department or partner crews through December 2023. This includes 150 miles of paving. See projects happening or planned near you at PennDOT's Project Website.

District 2 has put out 257 bridge projects and 334 projects for roadway and other improvement projects worth approximately $1.12 billion since January 2015.

  •   How Do We Calculate These Numbers?

    Each quarter, PennDOT reports miles improved and paved, and bridges improved.

    For pavements, miles improved includes seal coats, micro-surfacing, thin lift paving, and regular paving conducted both by department force and contractors. Paved miles are only those receiving a new resurfacing. Once the projects are completed, they are closed and entered in our databases. However, oftentimes improvements and paving projects have additional work items that need to be completed, and all payments and accounting must be finalized before the projects are closed. Therefore, the reported improved miles or paving may be well after the paving or improvement portion of the project has been completed.

    For bridge improvement, PennDOT reports projects that are "let,"" which means that they were made available for bid. Bridge projects sometimes span many years, so the most reliable means of measuring the progress of our program is reporting how many bridges are let in a given period.

Featured Projects

1005/720 (Electric Avenue Betterment)

Cost: $5.4 million

County: Mifflin

1001/C01 (Farrandsville Road)

Cost: $7.4 million

County: Clinton

3014/153 (Atherton Street)

Cost: $30.7 million

County: Centre

1005/720 (Electric Avenue Betterment)

Newly paved road flanked by houses.

Construction got underway in April to reconstruct Route 1005 (Valley Street) between Ort Valley Road and the 5 Points Intersection in Lewistown Borough, Mifflin County.

This highway resurfacing project will extend the life of a deteriorating roadway surface approximately one mile in length. It also includes drainage improvements and the installation of new sidewalks and ADA compliant curb ramps.

Flaggers in the roadway will provide traffic control throughout the summer. Work on this project will carry over into the 2024 construction season.

Cost: $5.4 million

County: Mifflin

1001/C01 (Farrandsville Road)

Construction crew members spray a liquid material on a bridge.

This project designed to provide safe pedestrian access to River View Park from the Veteran’s Bridge in Woodward Township, Clinton County, kicked off in March of this year. Upon completion, the project will enhance motorists’ safety by realigning the roadway away from the existing rock cut.

Work during the 2023 construction season includes building a temporary causeway on the Susquehanna riverbank to serve as a work platform for the construction of an 800-foot retaining wall.

Temporary traffic signals are enforcing an alternating traffic pattern at the work site. Work on this project will carry over into the 2024 construction.

Cost: $7.4 million

County: Clinton

3014/153 (Atherton Street)

Panoramic view of a bridge crossing a roadway with tan dirt mounds on either side.

The third phase of the Atherton Street highway reconstruction effort kicked off in July 2022. This work zone stretches from Curtin Road to just north of Westerly Parkway in the State College region of Centre County. A portion of the project is a streetscape beautification projection done in coordination with State College Borough.

Overall work on this three-year project includes roadway reconstruction, drainage improvements, new water and sewer line installation, and pouring of new sidewalks with detectable warning surfaces and ADA compliant curb ramps.

Traffic control consists of periods of flagging and short-term detours. Construction will carry through to the end of 2024 construction season.

Cost: $30.7 million

County: Centre

PennDOT's Engineering District 2 is responsible for the state-maintained transportation network in this region. This includes 3,731 road miles and 2,188 bridges.

We also work with local governments, elected officials, stakeholders and the public on keeping people and goods moving safely and efficiently in this region.


State-Maintained Road Miles


State-Maintained Bridges



* Filled salaried positions. Does not include wage jobs, which fluctuate seasonally.

Stay Informed

PennDOT's 11 Engineering Districts throughout the state maintain, restore, and expand the state's highway systems. Each office does its part to deliver a safe and efficient transportation system on the nearly 40,000 miles of highway and rougly 25,400 bridges that PennDOT is reponsible for. More information about PennDOT's operations and the state highway system is available in PennDOT's Fact Book (PDF).

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