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Pennsylvania's Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness Program

The main purpose of this program is to make sure homeless youth have access to free and appropriate public education while removing barriers that homeless children face. Its goal is to have the educational process continue as uninterrupted as possible while the children are in homeless situations.

Basic Education Circular (BEC) Education for Homeless Youth
The selected school shall immediately enroll the child or youth in school, even if the child or youth lacks records normally required for enrollment, such as previous academic records, medical records, proof of residency or other documentation. 

The educating district should immediately enroll and begin to provide instruction. The receiving school district may contact the district of origin for oral confirmation that the child has been immunized. Oral confirmation between professionals is a sufficient basis to verify immunization with written confirmation to follow within 30 days.

National Center for Homeless Education
Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, the National Center for Homeless Education provides technical assistance and resources to schools.

Homelessness Resource Center
Provided by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), this site provides access to state-of-the-art knowledge and promising practices to prevent and end homelessness through training and technical assistance, publications and materials, on-line learning opportunities and networking and collaboration.

National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY)
This national professional organization of educators involved in McKinney-Vento services at the local, state and national levels.