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​​​Sexually Transmitted Diseases Program

The primary mission of the Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Program is the prevention of and the intervention in the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. Through implementation of the Program's core functions: the management of STD service delivery, education, training, surveillance and interaction with professional health care providers and community-based organizations, the STD Program strives to ensure a quality, professional and client centered approach to individuals seeking STD related health care.

General Information on Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

If you get an STD, you're more likely to get HIV than someone who is STD-free. Getting or giving STDs increases the risk of getting HIV.

Your behaviors and condom use can raise or lower your risk for STDs and HIV. Not having vaginal, anal, or oral sex is the most effective way to prevent these diseases.
If you are sexually active, however, you can lower your risk for getting STDs and HIV by:

  • Choosing one partner and agreeing to be sexually active only with each other. It is still important that you and your partner get tested for STDs and HIV and share your test results with one another before having sex;
  • Limiting the number of people you have sex with if you have more than one partner;
  • Using latex condoms and dental dams the right way every time you have sex.
  • Abstinence: The most reliable way to avoid infection is to not have sex (i.e., anal, vaginal, or oral).

​STD Testing and Treatment Services

STD Resources

STD Provider Resources

Contact the STD Program

Pennsylvania Department of Health
STD Program
Room 1023 Health & Human Services Building
625 Forster Street, Harrisburg, PA 17120
Phone: 717-787-3981
Fax: 717-772-4309

​STD Information for Providers


PA-NEDSS is the mandatory method for providers and laboratories to report diseases and investigative findings to the Pennsylvania Department of Health 

New PA-NEDSS Reporting Tool
Developed to streamline mandated reporting quickly and confidentially. 

Testing Information

STD Training Information

STD Surveillance Data