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In an effort to empower medical professionals to identify patients struggling with addictions, Pennsylvania launched a Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP).

PDMPs are one of the most promising tools to improve prescribing, combat abuse, protect patients and save lives. Physicians and pharmacists can help save thousands of Pennsylvanians from drug abuse and work to battle this epidemic by checking the system before dispensing a controlled substance every time. 

DOH has worked with the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs to develop guidelines for medical specialties on the safe and effective use of opioids in the treatment of pain. View the prescribing guidelines.

The PDMP, in collaboration with the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs and the University of Pittsburgh's Program Evaluation and Research Unit (PERU) has developed continuing educational curriculum for prescribers on best practices for using the PDMP system and on how to address substance use disorder with patients. Visit the PDMP website for Evidence-Based Prescribing: Tools You Can Use to Fight the Opioid Epidemic.

Additionally, the PA Medical Society, the Hospital and Health System Association, the Pharmacists Association and others have developed an online continuing education series, which are available on the PA Medical Society website.