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The Enterprise Data Dissemination Informatics Exchange (EDDIE) is an interactive health statistics dissemination web tool where you can create customized data tables, charts and maps for various health related data.

Access the Enterprise Data Dissemination Informatics Exchange (EDDIE).

The EDDIE system was developed to empower public health professionals by enhancing and expanding upon their ability to use data and statistics to drive public health policy and program decisions.  ​Users of the EDDIE system must agree to make no attempt to identify an individual, and must agree to notify the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Health Informatics Office immediately if an individual is inadvertently identified along with an explanation on how this occurred.


The following datasets are available in EDDIE:

  • Adult Lead
  • Air Quality
  • Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)
  • Birth Defects
  • Births
  • Cancer Incidence
  • Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Mortality
  • Childhood Cancer Incidence
  • Childhood Lead Poisoning
  • Children Less Than Age 5 Living in Poverty
  • Communicable Diseases (other than STDs)
  • Deaths
  • Drinking Water Quality
  • Hospitalization Discharges
  • Housing by Year Built
  • Infant Deaths
  • Population
  • Reported Pregnancies
  • Reproductive Health Outcomes
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)


Please review these helpful resources:

EDDIE is the Pennsylvania Department of Health's primary tool for data dissemination. New datasets will be added to EDDIE as they become available.

DISCLAIMER: If you use any of the data provided, please include the following statement in any publication or release: These data were provided by the Health Informatics Office​, Pennsylvania Department of Health. The Department specifically disclaims responsibility for any analyses, interpretations, or conclusions.