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Epinephrine Auto-injector Administration

Act 195 of 2014 School Access to Emergency Epinephrine

This act allows school entities to train school employees in the recognition of anaphylaxis and administration of epinephrine auto-injectors to students.

Act 2 of 2017-School Bus Drivers and School Crossing Guards
Administration of Epinephrine Auto-injectors by School Bus Drivers and School Crossing Guards, was signed by Governor Tom Wolf on May 16, 2017. The law allows school bus drivers and school crossing guards to administer epinephrine auto-injectors to students if their employers choose to permit them to do so.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are school bus drivers and school crossing guards required to take this training?
No. The training is required only if the school bus drivers and school crossing guards choose, and are permitted by their employer (school, contractor, or municipality), to be trained to administer epinephrine by auto-injector to students. The law also requires that, if an employer chooses to permit a school bus driver and/or school crossing guard to administer epinephrine, then the employer must develop policies to address the administration of epinephrine auto-injectors to students by school bus drivers and school crossing guards.

Can school bus drivers and school crossing guards administer epinephrine auto-injectors to staff, adults and visitors?
The law only addresses administration of epinephrine to students.

How often must this course be taken?
While the law requires training, it does not address how often the training should be repeated or how competency should be evaluated. The Department of Health recommends that individuals re-take the course every two years and that local policies establish some means of determining competence following training.

Approved Courses and Training

Individuals responsible for the storage and administration of Epinephrine must successfully complete a training approved by the Department of Health.

Schools can apply for the The EpiPen4Schools® program. The program offers qualifying schools free EpiPens.

There are currently four epinephrine auto-injectors on the market. Training devices can be ordered from the website or by calling the manufacturer. It is recommended that schools obtain training devices for each type auto-injector for their trained school staff. The training videos available on these websites are not Department of Health approved trainings.

Additional Resources

Toolkit for Food Allergies in the Classroom
Resources for school nurses and educators to create and maintain a healthy classroom environment

Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE), Resources for Schools  
FARE has a variety of resources schools can use to help create a safer environment for students with food allergies and increase awareness among the student body. These include, but are not limited to: national guidelines; recommended practices for reducing the risk of exposure to food allergens; school guidelines for managing students with food allergies and template emergency care plan.

USDA Food and Nutrition Services Food Allergies