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Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Program

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in Pennsylvania, and stroke is the fourth leading cause of death in Pennsylvania

High blood pressure and high cholesterol are risk factors for heart disease. Smoking is also a key risk factor for heart disease.

The Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Program (HDSP) is committed to implementing best practice initiatives to achieve the following:

  • Reducing the development of heart disease and stroke, which are both primarily preventable diseases and conditions.
  • Delaying the progression of heart disease and stroke.
  • Reducing the occurrence of first and subsequent cardiovascular events in persons with known risk factors. 

HDSP will achieve these goals through the education of healthcare providers on evidence-based prevention and treatment guidelines for cardiovascular disease, and implementation of policy, environmental and systems change approaches in physician offices, hospitals, worksites and other community settings for the greatest possible impact.
