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EDRS Training for Coroners and Medical Examiners – Offered by PA's Bureau of Health Statistics and Registries, this interactive webinar connects you directly to one of our staff who will walk you through the data entry process when using EDRS and answer questions you may have.

Now available through TRAIN PA, attend our EDRS course which is geared specifically to the workflow of coroners and medical examiner office staff and certifiers. The specific course title is PA-BHSR: EDRS – Electronic Death Registration System for Coroners/Medical Examiners and Staff in PA 

Register now for your TRAIN PA account – Watch the 2 minute video at https://www.train.org/tutorials for assistance in "Setting Up Your Train Account."

Disasters and the Death Certificate:  Certifying Deaths in Pennsylvania – Offered by the National Nurse-Led Care Consortium, this web-based training provides an overview of the death reporting process for medical certifiers with a special focus on certifying deaths due to natural causes and natural disasters.  This training is adapted by a training designed by CDC to address Pennsylvania-specific reporting requirements.  Topics include who is responsible for reporting a death in Pennsylvania, how to complete the medical section of the report of death (aka death certificate),  and discussions on special circumstances related to chronic illness, COVID-19, and human-induced and natural disasters. CME/CNE credits are available for this two-hour course.

Guidance for Certifying Deaths Due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) – Offered by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this web-based training module provides an overview of the importance of mortality data, discusses NCHS guidance provided to clinicians who may need to certify a death involving COVID-19, and presents a summary of COVID-19 surveillance through the NVSS.  Please visit CDC's course web-based for completed details including how to obtain CE credits.  https://emergency.cdc.gov/coca/calls/2020/callinfo_041620.asp

Improving Cause of Death Reporting – Offered by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this web-based training module is designed to increase knowledge and improve the competency of those who certify the cause of death.  Please visit CDC's course web-based for completed details including how to obtain CE credits.  https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/improving_cause_of_death_reporting.htm

List of Courses Approved by the Pennsylvania Coroners Education Board – For a current listing of courses approved by the Board, visit the Board's web page at https://www.attorneygeneral.gov/pennsylvania-state-coroners-education-board/.