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Births and Pregnancies

According to the Vital Statistics Law, a Live Birth is the expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of conception, irrespective of the period of gestation, which shows any evidence of life at any moment after such expulsion or extraction. Reported Pregnancies are aggregated live births, fetal deaths, and induced abortions, as required by various Pennsylvania laws to be reported to the Department of Health.

Department of Health Data

See Births dataset.
Birth Statistics
A large volume of tables including statistics on a variety of birth topics.
Pennsylvania Vital Statistics
An annual report of births, deaths, abortion, pregnancy, and population statistics.
First Name Occurrences for Pennsylvania Live Births
Two reports that provide lists of first name occurrences for Pennsylvania live births in order of popularity.
Healthy People
A report that tracks the progress of public health objectives in meeting their goals by the end of the decade.

External Data Sources

National Vital Statistics System (CDC)

Births and Natality FastStats (CDC)

Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS - CDC)