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Ambulatory Surgery Center Reports

Data found in the reports listed below were obtained from the annual Ambulatory Surgery Center questionnaires. Click "Show +" to expand a section, and "Hide -" to collapse it. To open a specific report or file, select the desired year and click the "Submit" button.


An Ambulatory Surgery Center Geographic Information Systems (GIS) layer is created each year and available for download as a shapefile, or which can be added to a map as a map service (ArcMap, Google Earth, WMS) from the Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access (PASDA) website.


Attention data users:  Due to a shift in questionnaire administration and reporting, our Ambulatory Surgery Center data and reports changed from fiscal year to calendar year periods. The 2014-2015 Ambulatory Surgery Center Reports were the last based on fiscal year. The first calendar year reports are for 2016. 


Starting with 2016, reports are in Excel format.

Individual Reports:
Most recent data:
Full Reports:
Most recent data:
Source Files:
Most recent data:
  • View the record level data for each Ambulatory Surgery Center report. The files are in fixed-width format from 1999-2000 through 2017. Starting with 2018 data, files are now in CSV format.
  • View the record format for the record level data.
Use the search below for archived reports.