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As of October 24, 2019, doctors and other healthcare providers that write a paper script or prescription for controlled substances medications are required to electronically prescribe controlled substance drugs. Electronic prescribing, or e-prescribing, is a technology that lets doctors send prescriptions right to a pharmacy. Controlled substances are drugs that have a greater chance for misuse, according to state or federal government.

This means in most cases patients are no longer going to get a paper prescription or script for controlled substances. Doctors will send the patient's prescription electronically to the pharmacy the patient likes to use.

E-prescribing helps patients by reducing medication mistakes.

To make sure you will not have problems getting your controlled substance prescriptions, we recommend you:

  • Ask your doctor and pharmacists how things will change with e-prescribing.
  • Make sure your doctor knows what pharmacy you like to use.
  • Talk to your doctor if you have a paper prescription that will be filled after October 24, 2019.

Patients who have more refills left on a controlled substance prescription can still get that medication refilled after October 24, 2019, without getting a new e-prescription from the doctor.

Patients who have questions or concerns about e-prescribing can contact the Patient Advocacy Program by emailing ra-dh-advocacy@pa.gov or calling 844-377-7367 Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Patient Advocacy Program

If you are a patient who is prescribed controlled substance medication and have abruptly lost access to care, please visit the Patient Advocacy Program page.