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Active Transportation Webinars

Opportunities for Walkability in Rural Communities and Small Towns
This webinar from AmericaWalks and the Urban Institute explores some of the work being done to promote physical activity and improve conditions for people who move and walk in small towns and rural communities.
Small Town Stories Walkability in Rural AmericaThis webinar from the Physical Activity Alliance provides the voices from three rural towns as they discuss projects that improved walking and biking in their communities.
Making the Most of Main Street: Complete Streets & Walkable Communities webinarThis webinar from Smart Growth America and the National Complete Streets Coalition highlights how to apply Complete Streets, walkability and healthy community policies in rural areas.
Livable Appalachia: Transportation SolutionsThis webinar from AARP is about the importance of a wide range of transportation options and accessibility to enable aging-in-place in rural areas as well as cities. Examples of innovative small-scale transit solutions and accessibility campaigns are provided.
The Land Use/Walkability Connection with Dr. Lawrence Frank
This webinar from AmericaWalks features Dr. Lawrence Frank, a professor and "walkability pioneer," for an in-depth discussion about the intersections of urban planning, equity, development, public health, activity, and behavior.
Active Transportation Plans and Policies - Getting Started
​This webinar from WalkWorks shares the perspectives of three grantees who received funds to develop an Active Transportation Plan or Vision Zero Action Plan.

Engage Key Stakeholders and Benefits of Active Transportation

Let's Get Together: A Guide for Engaging Communities and Creating ChangeThis resource from Safe Routes Partnership is for individuals, organizations, and government agencies working on equity and engagement in Safe Routes to School and beyond. This guide offers tips and strategies for engaging communities to work together to make meaningful change. Based on work in Kansas, Oregon, and California.
Promoting Active Transportation: An Opportunity for Public HealthThis resource from Safe Routes Partnership and the American Public Health Association shares why and how health should be considered in active transportation planning and decision-making.
The Active Communities Tool Action Planning GuideThis resource will help committed, cross-sector teams create an action plan for improving community built environments that promote physical activity consistent with their community context.
Making the Business Case for Activity-Friendly PlacesThis 2-page resource helps make the business case for activity-friendly and vibrant places that work for everyone.

Assess Routes for Walkability and Safety

AARP Walk Audit Tool Kit: A self-service guide for assessing a community's walkability
A step-by-step self-service guide for how to assess and report on the safety and walkability of a street, intersection, or neighborhood.
Walkability ChecklistA 2-page walkability checklist from the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center to assess how walkable your community is.

Design Resources

Small Town and Rural Multimodal Networks
The Small Town and Rural Multimodal Networks report is a resource and idea book intended to help small towns and rural communities support safe, accessible, comfortable, and active travel for people of all ages and abilities.
Bikeway Selection GuideThis guide from the Federal Highway Administration outlines the different types of bike infrastructure and how to assess a location to decide which would be appropriate.
The Pop-Up Placemaking Tool KitThis tool kit from AARP and the Better Block Project can help elected officials, planners, policymakers, and involved residents use temporary projects to improve communities for people of all ages.

Resources for Rural Communities

Active Transportation Beyond Urban Centers: Walking and Bicycling in Small Towns and Rural AmericaThis 2011 report from the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy outlines the realities of need -- even in more rural places not thought to be central locations -- for walking and biking.
Rural Walking in Massachusetts: A Tool Kit for MunicipalitiesThis 2013 report provides an introduction to different types of walking facilities that can be constructed in rural areas. These case study examples may help other communities identify opportunities to provide better walking infrastructure and the tools to implement such improvements.
Rural Multimodal Planning: Why and How to Improve Travel Options in Small Towns and Rural CommunitiesThis 2022 report from the Victoria Transport Policy Institute gives a summary of current active transportation and transit offerings and status in rural areas and proposes ways to address shortfalls, known gaps, and documented needs in the communities. It explores why and how to implement more multi-modal planning in rural areas and small towns.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Infrastructure Improvements Realized in Communities Under 10,000This 2018 research report defines underlying factors that have allowed communities of less than 10,000 people in Maine, Minnesota, and New Hampshire to successfully implement bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure.
Case Studies of Communities of Under 10,000 With Bicycle and Pedestrian InfrastructureThis 2022 research report focuses on implementation of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure in 3 small communities within 5 states within each of the 5 U.S. regions.
Bicycle Tourism as a Rural Economic Development Vehicle by Heidi BeierleThis 2011 research report highlights the benefits of cycling in rural areas, including the potential for business growth and tourism development for economic growth in keeping with rural character.
National Center for Rural Road SafetyThis website is designed for rural communities to access multidisciplinary rural road safety training, resources, and technical assistance that are dynamic, collaborative, and responsive.
National Rural Transit Assistance ProgramThis website promotes the safe and effective delivery of public transportation services in rural areas and encourages more efficient use of public transportation resources. It provides free technical assistance programs and resources including training materials, webinars, newsletters, peer resources and research.
Rural Communities Need Better Transportation Policy
This 2021 report assesses state of rural infrastructure and transportation needs of rural populations and proposes 10 recommendations to provide more efficient and economical systems and more equitable options.
Executive Summary of A Case Study of Transportation Policy for the Public's Health; Complete Streets Policies in Pennsylvania
​Complete Streets policies lay the foundation for safe and convenient travel for all persons by all modes of transportation. These policies have the potential to yield an increase in opportunities for active transportation and to improve the health of the communities impacted. WalkWorks conducted a survey of municipalities throughout the state to examine adopted policies, implemented policies and policies being considered.

Funding Opportunities

Costs for Pedestrian and Bicyclist Infrastructure ImprovementsThis 2013 resource for researchers, engineers, planners, and the public reviews how to develop meaningful estimates for pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure improvements. Though somewhat dated, this information can be used to better understand the range of costs of bicycle and pedestrian treatments in a communities and help leaders make informed decisions about which infrastructure enhancements are best suited for implementation.  From the UNC Highway Safety Resource Center.
PennDOT Safe Routes to School Funding Compilation
PennDOT compiled this list of potential active transportation funding sources when a school or municipality is trying to implement a Safe Routes to School program or activity.

PennDOT Resources

PennDOT Active Transportation Resources
This PennDOT page outlines a variety of resources related to active transportation and developing an Active Transportation plan, PennDOT Connects, biking, and walking.
How-To Guide for Developing Active Transportation Plans
This guide was put together by the PennDOT Statewide Bike/Ped Coordinator to help communities understand the structure, process, and elements of developing an Active Transportation Plan.  The last five pages outline a wide array of state and federal funding options.
PennDOT ConnectsThis PennDOT page introduces a more comprehensive process for planning and extended resources and education for municipalities. Through the Connects program, there are more opportunities for local input earlier in the planning process for any given state road project. Concerns such as safety issues, active transportation modes, stormwater management, utilities, historical preservation, and many others can be addressed prior to developing project scopes and cost estimates.
PennDOT's Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP)The LTAP program is designed to help Pennsylvania's municipalities make the best use of their roadway maintenance dollars. LTAP provides free services to PA municipalities around education, data collection, and on-site technical assistance to communities for road operations and maintenance. Active Transportation topics include an introduction to Active Transportation, information on crosswalks and ADA compliance, mapping resources, integrating Complete Streets Policies with other ordinances, bikeway selection, and more.
MPOs/RPOS Metropolitan and Rural Planning OrganizationsThis PennDOT page lists the Metropolitan and Rural Planning Organizations which interface with PennDOT for regional transportation planning and provide municipalities with access to the various aspects of the transportation planning process, including Transportation Improvement Plans (TIP) and Twelve Year Plans (TYP). Key contacts are provided for all transportation planning and funding projects.
PennDOT DistrictsThis is a map of the 11 PennDOT Districts (numbers go to 12 but there is no district 7), listing the counties covered and linking to the live public-facing page and contact information for each.
PennDOT District PlannersThis PennDOT page lists the planners working in each PennDOT District, who are the key interface for the development of projects, planning, and connecting the DOT to the MPOs/RPOs. These Planners may or may not be the same person as the Bike/Ped Coordinator for the District.
PennDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinators
This PennDOT page lists the Bike/Ped Coordinators for each of the 11 PennDOT Districts, which are key contacts for planning, funding, design, and construction of multi-modal projects.
​Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside
​The Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside (TASA) provides funding for projects and activities defined as transportation alternatives, including on- and off-road pedestrian and bicycle facilities, infrastructure projects for improving non-driver access to public transportation and enhanced mobility, community improvement activities, and environmental mitigation, trails that serve a transportation purpose, and safe routes to school projects.

Mapping Resources

Access to Parks in PA
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR), WeConserve PA and the Trust for Public Lands collaborated on this statewide mapping project assessing proximity and walking and driving access to recreation resources across the state.
Bureau of Recreation and Conservation RegionsThis DCNR resource provides a map of the regional staff assignments within the Bureau of Recreation and Conservation, including name and contact information.
PennDOT Average Daily Traffic Volumes
PennDOT maintains pdf maps by county showing Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) for state roads. Historic statewide traffic volume maps are also available digitally going back to 2000.
Pennsylvania Crash Information ToolThis PennDOT Pennsylvania Crash Information Tool (PCIT) provides statistics about traffic crashes, fatalities, and injuries statewide and in specific counties or municipalities. Search capabilities allow the user to request and view customized crash data reports.
State Parks and Geology Interactive MapThis interactive map from DCNR offers a variety of information about Pennsylvania State Parks, State Forests, and Geology, including ADA Accessible Features and Campgrounds.