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The Oral Health Program (Program) leads the efforts in developing and implementing the stakeholder-driven Pennsylvania Oral Health Plan 2020-2030 (Plan), through collaboration with other governmental agencies, healthcare providers and local community groups.

The Oral Health Stakeholders (OHS) and the Oral Health Plan Advisory Group (OHPAG) were created to provide recommendations and guidance on how best to implement the Plan, discuss topics that affect oral health in Pennsylvania, and provide a diverse voice of individuals and organizations that the Program can share with the Department of Health leadership with the goal of ensuring positive oral health outcomes in Pennsylvania.

Oral Health Stakeholders

The OHS group is made up of diverse individuals and organizations interested in collectively achieving positive oral health outcomes in Pennsylvania by: 

  • Providing feedback during meetings, through surveys, and other requests for input
  • Providing recommendations to the OHPAG on annual priorities for Plan implementation 
  • Supporting the Plan by providing resources in the form of personnel time, funding, and other assets
  • Adopting priorities of the Plan to implement activities and report results of interventions and programs

Sign up here to become a Pennsylvania Oral Health Stakeholder through the Program partner, the Pennsylvania Coalition for Oral Health (PCOH).

Oral Health Plan Advisory Group

The OHPAG is nominated by the OHS group. Stakeholders can nominate themselves or others to serve on the OHPAG every two years. OHPAG responsibilities include:

  • Representing statewide OHS group by acting on behalf of at least one of the nine stakeholder sectors listed in the Plan
  • Providing recommendations to the OHP on annual priorities for Plan implementation 
  • Recommending priorities to the OHP for on-going discussion with the OHP
  • Using “Simple-Majority” to decide which recommendations to give the OHP for consideration
  • Attending and participating in all OHPAG meetings and activities (otherwise the member must relinquish their representation to someone who can commit). Only members of the OHPAG are permitted to attend the meetings. Members cannot send a substitute in their place.

Contact the Pennsylvania Oral Health Program to learn more about OHPAG.