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For over 75 years, people in the U.S. and worldwide have benefited from drinking water with fluoride, leading to better oral health. Community water fluoridation is recognized as one of the most cost-effective, equitable, and safe measures communities can take to prevent cavities and improve oral health. The Pennsylvania Department of Health Oral Health Program (Program) endorses this public health achievement.

Fluoride Facts

  • Fluoride is a natural mineral released from rocks into the soil and water.
  • Community water fluoridation adjusts the amount of fluoride in drinking water to a safe, optimal level to reduce tooth decay and promote good oral health.
  • Community water fluoridation is the best method of delivering fluoride to all members of the community, especially for those who may not have regular access to dental care.
  • Academic, government, and independent studies continue to prove or demonstrate that community water fluoridation is safe, effective, and economical.
  • People who consume optimally fluoridated water experience fewer and less severe cavities, resulting in a reduced need for fillings and removing or replacing teeth, and less time taken off from school or work because of dental problems or pain.
  • A 2016 study found that for communities of 1,000 or more people, the savings associated with water fluoridation exceeded estimated program costs, with an average annual savings of $20 per dollar invested. Additionally, individuals in communities that fluoridate water save an average of $32 per person by avoiding treatment for dental caries.
  • There are more than 1,800 community water systems in Pennsylvania and each makes its own decision on whether or not to adjust the fluoride level of the water it provides to the community.
  • The Pennsylvania Department of Health acknowledges and appreciates the key role community water fluoridation plays in the Commonwealth's goal to achieve health equity and reduce health disparities.

Visit this link to watch a Community Water Fluoridation video.

Find out the Community Water Fluoridation Status of all community water systems in Pennsylvania.

For more information about the safety and benefits of community water fluoridation, visit the Community Water Fluoridation Resource Page.

To see how the Program is promoting community water fluoridation, review the Community Water Fluoridation:  A Plan for Pennsylvania.

To learn about the Water Operator Thank You Campaign, visit this link for more information and request thank you materials.