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If you're a caregiver of someone with special needs, you play an important role in making sure the person you care for is ready for a flu pandemic. Whether you are caring for people at a special-care facility, or caring for someone at home, take steps now to prepare for a pandemic.

Caring for People Living at a Special-Care Facility

If you are a person with special needs living at a special-care facility, or you are a caregiver of a person with special needs:

  • Review the special-care facility's emergency plans.
  • Know where necessary medication is stored.
  • Have your medical equipment clearly labeled with your identifying information.

Caring for People at Home

If you are a person with special needs living at home, or you are a caregiver of a person with special needs:

  • Identify people who can help you in case of a disease outbreak or other emergency.
  • Give someone you trust a key to your house or apartment, and let that person know where emergency supplies are located.
  • Wear a medical-alert tag or bracelet to identify existing medical conditions, allergies, or other medical needs.

Caregivers - Flu Pandemic Checklist

If you care for a person with special needs, your supplies should include:

  • A list of medicines (prescription and nonprescription), including dosages.
  • A list of medical conditions and medicine allergies.
  • Extra eyeglasses and hearing-aid batteries, if necessary.
  • Extra wheelchair batteries or other special equipment, if necessary.
  • A list of the brand/style and serial numbers of medical devices.
  • Copies of medical insurance and Medicare and Medicaid, and other insurance cards.
  • A list of doctors.
  • A list of emergency contacts and family members.
  • Phone numbers of close neighbors who can help.