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The Pennsylvania Cancer Registry (PCR) is a statewide data system responsible for collecting information on all new cases of cancer diagnosed or treated in Pennsylvania. The PCR has had statewide data collection since 1985. The PCR is part of the National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR) administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Through this program, the CDC provides funding for states, such as Pennsylvania, to enhance their existing registry to meet national standards for completeness, timeliness and data quality.

Registry Certifications

The PCR receives annual Certification from the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) and the National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR).  Achieving these certifications designates the PCR as a population-based cancer registry that demonstrates excellence in the areas of completeness, quality, and timeliness of cancer incidence data.

Why a State-Wide Cancer Registry?

The basis for any successful cancer control program is a comprehensive registry system. Ongoing cancer data collection by the PCR ensures that reliable data are available to provide answers to questions, reduce the burden of cancer in Pennsylvania, and improve the lives of cancer survivors and their families. 
" People do not naturally rally round a cause like cancer record-keeping because no one can point to victims who suffer without it. Rather, it is our larger understanding of cancer that suffers, And thus, we are all victims." -John H. Healey, M.D. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center 
" The unique role of the central cancer registry is to be the eyes through which cancer control problems can be seen." -Thomas C. Tucker, PhD, MPH Director, Kentucky Cancer Registry

Data Collection

Reporting to the PCR is mandated by the Pennsylvania Cancer Control, Prevention, and Research Act of 1980 and the Pennsylvania Department of Health's regulations concerning Reporting of Communicable and Noncommunicable Diseases. Cancer data are reported by hospitals, clinics, laboratories, radiation facilities, cancer centers, surgical centers, doctor's offices, death certificates and through data exchange when Pennsylvania residents are diagnosed or treated in other states. The PCR receives over 100,000 reports of cancer cases annually. After accounting for duplicates, this translates into nearly 76,000 newly diagnosed cases every year. Information collected on each case includes patient demographics and medical information about the type of cancer, how far the cancer spread at the time of diagnosis, and the first course of treatment provided.

Contact Us

For questions regarding the PCR, contact us at: 1-800-272-1850 or 717-783-2548.

All faxes for PCR staff should be sent to 1-866-531-8238.

 All mail for the PCR should be sent to: 

Pennsylvania Cancer Registry
Bureau of Health Statistics and Registries
555 Walnut St., 6th Floor 
Harrisburg, PA 17101

PCR Management

Wendy Aldinger, RHIA, CTR -- Registry Manager
1-800-272-1850, ext. 1