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Pennsylvania Department of Health state health centers, along with county and municipal health departments, provide TB information and services to people currently living in the state. 

The services include:    

  • outpatient examination and diagnostic services;
  • laboratory and X-ray services, if there is no source of payment;
  • medication for the treatment and prevention of disease;
  • in-field, Directly Observed Therapy (DOT) for patients to complete recommended therapy;
  • hospitalization for persons with tuberculosis who are very ill, require inpatient care and have no source of payment; and
  • identifying close contacts of patients with infectious TB, evaluating those contacts for TB infection or active disease, and providing treatment to close contacts as needed.

For Pennsylvania residents who live in areas not served by a county or municipal health department, TB services are provided by state health centers.

There are ten county and municipal health departments in Pennsylvania that provide TB services to residents who live within the boundaries of the county or city:

Individuals can also work with their private healthcare provider.