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Purpose of Program:

The purpose of HIV/AIDS surveillance/case reporting is to conduct ongoing systematic measurement and evaluation of the occurrence of HIV/AIDS across Pennsylvania, and monitor the rate of HIV infection and other associated diseases characteristics over time by risk groups, population demographics, and geographic subgroups.

Description of Services:

Our HIV/AIDS Case Reporting/Surveillance services entail monitoring of HIV Disease Burden through HIV/AIDS & Perinatal Exposure Case Reporting and HIV Incidence Surveillance:  

  • Design, coordinate and conduct surveillance activities to assure all HIV/AIDS and perinatal exposure cases diagnosed or treated in Pennsylvania are
       reported according to the Department of Health regulations.
  • Design and conduct supplemental HIV surveillance to monitor the likelihood of new HIV infections (incidence surveillance). 
  • Design and conduct studies to evaluate the effectiveness of surveillance activities, redirecting activities as indicated.
  • Coordinate Field Surveillance:
    • Collaborate with local Health Departments to establish liaison with hospitals and clinics, laboratories, physicians, drug registries, correctional facilities, and other public agencies to enhance the identification and reporting of HIV cases. 
    • Conduct epidemiologic investigations of cases reported with an unidentified mode of transmission, occupationally exposed health care workers, cases receiving blood transfusions after 1985, and other cases of epidemiologic importance.
    • Provide consultation, professional and technical assistance, and training to county and municipal health departments and district health offices on case reporting/surveillance.
  • Coordinate Electronic Laboratory Reporting(ELR) of HIV and CD4 T-lymphocyte test results:
    • Coordinate and assure reporting of reportable laboratory test results by all national and state laboratories that perform HIV and CD4 T-lymphocyte tests on specimens from Pennsylvania. 
  • Perform Data Management and General Data Analyses:
    • Maintain a secure, confidential registry of all reported cases of HIV/AIDS that includes epidemiologic, demographic, and clinical information for individual cases.  Validate each case for accuracy and completeness and update when new information is received.
    •  Perform general HIV/AIDS registry data analyses and publish a standard biannual summary for distribution to general HIV/AIDS data end-users such as health care providers, health policy planners, educators, and AIDS service organizations. These data are provided below in the Biannual Summary and Regional Trend Tables
  • Additional information on HIV/AIDS case reporting/surveillance, data management and general HIV/AIDS data can be accessed at:http://www.nedss.state.pa.us/  

View HIV/AIDS Surveillance Annual Summaries