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Where Can I Get an HIV Test?

Routine HIV Testing

Since 2006, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended that everyone between the ages of 13 and 64 get tested for HIV at least once as part of routine health care.  In 2013, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force supported CDC's recommendation by making HIV screening a "Grade A" recommendation.  This means that routine screening for HIV is covered by most private and public insurance.  The Affordable Care Act (ACA) also requires that Grade A recommendations be covered by private insurance without cost sharing.  For this reason, the Pa. Department of Health (Department) encourages you to discuss routine HIV testing with your primary healthcare provider as a standard of care. 

Department-Supported HIV Testing for those at High Risk

If you feel you are at risk for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV, you can obtain an HIV test as part of a free and confidential comprehensive STD screening at a Department-supported STD testing site. Find a STD testing site in your area. You can also find a testing site near you using the Hepatitis/HIV Provider Map.

The Department has agreements with selected agencies in certain geographic areas to provide HIV testing to populations at highest risk for HIV disease, such as sexually active men who have sex with men (MSM) and persons who inject. If you feel you are at high risk, find providers and sites near you.  This list also includes a number of sites supported by the Philadelphia Department of Public Health through its AIDS Activities Coordinating Office (AACO).

HIV Self-Testing (HST)

The Department, in partnership with the Pennsylvania Expanded HIV Testing Initiative (PEHTI) and the HIV Prevention and Care Project (HPCP), provides HIV Self-Testing (HST) for individuals who reside in Pennsylvania (excluding Philadelphia County). The goal of the getmyHIVtest.com program is to help people get tested who wouldn't otherwise go to their doctor or to a testing clinic.  

Tests are available from the website getmyhivtest.com. You will be asked to read the information on the website and answer a few questions in order to receive an FDA-approved, OraQuick home HIV test kit mailed to your provided address. Support for anyone who takes the HIV self-test is available through OraQuick and the HPCP, as noted on the website.   

Individuals who reside in Philadelphia County should visit PhillyKeepOnLoving.com to order the HIV Self-test kit and for additional information about testing from the Philadelphia Department of Public Health.