Information for Prospective Employers of Refugees in Pennsylvania

A handbook for employers is available from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. This handbook provides employers with detailed information on how to complete the I-9 form.

As a means for promoting self-sufficiency and facilitating adjustment to life in the United States, a refugee's placement in a first job shortly after entry is a top priority of the federal government and the commonwealth.

Employers in Pennsylvania have discovered that refugees are able to draw upon their considerable survival skills in making their transition to the U.S. workforce. Refugees bring with them, as well, a diverse array of vocational skills and technical expertise and great motivation to succeed in building stable lives for their families.

The PA Refugee Resettlement Program (RRP) recognizes the importance of building strong relationships with employers and provides, through its extensive contractor network, various services to employers as a means for facilitating placement, retention, and advancement of refugee workers.