How did we get here?

The ELS initiative started in 2018 and there have been several steps prior to development to ensure each Program Offices’ needs are met and the ELS will provide operational improvements.  

  • Visioning Session
    • All Program Office meeting to discuss the direction of the Enterprise System.
  • Governance Meetings
    • Consistent and frequent meetings were established with leadership from each Program Office for constant communication between internal stakeholders.
  • Business Requirement Sessions
    • Public Consulting Group met with each Program Office individually to create requirements for the Enterprise System.
    • Each session was focused on specific functionality and discussed in detail.
  • Communications and Data Conversion Preparation
    • Preliminary information was gathered in preparation for the technical vendor to improve execution of Communications and Data Conversion. 
  • Technical Vendor Solicitation
    • RFP was drafted and release including the information gathered in previous steps.
    • Technical vendors bid to develop the Enterprise solution.
    • VisualVault was selected as the technical vendor.


The ELS includes several categories that encompass the capabilities that will seamlessly work together to meet the common goal of providing licensure to the Departments’ providers. 

ELS Interfaces

ELS will interface with existing systems to maintain and improve data exchanges. Below are the interfaces currently being assessed. 

  • PELICAN Systems – CCW, KTQ, PSS
  • External Systems – PEMA, JNET, NAR, ASPEN/iQIES, CMS, PA-PSRS
  • DOH Systems – Department of State and DOH website
  • DHS Systems – DHS Interactive, PROMISe, CWIS, COMPASS, Site Minder, CIS, HCSIS, ECM, DHS Website
  • Enterprise Systems – EDW, Keystone, User Repository, File Storage Web Service, MCI, MPI

ELS Benefits

Once implemented, ELS will provide the following benefits.

Data Sharing

Enhanced ability to access and share data across Departments.


Increased reporting capabilities


Improved communication between the Departments and their providers.