Adopt PA Kids

​Post-Permanency Respite Service Information

The Respite unit of service provides post-permanency families with planned breaks to support a consistent level of parenting.

Respite may provide a time for the post-permanency family to get some needed time alone and then return to caring for their child rejuvenated and revived. Respite may be either inside or outside the family home. This service is designed to ensure that eligible families are supported by developing resources to alleviate the pressures of parenting children with special needs. The service focuses on utilizing competent resources to provide a continuum of care while offering flexibility to ensure the needs of parents and children are met.

Post-Permanency families self-refer for SWAN Post-Permanency Services by calling the SWAN Helpline at 1-800-585-7926 or email

The Helpline personnel ask questions, gather information from the family and then explain the process for a family to receive the services. The family is provided with the contact information of affiliates who offer the services they select. When an affiliate is chosen by the family, the referral is made and the assessment process begins.


Learn more about adoption and foster care support services.