The ELS is being developed using an agile process, outlined below, which enables development and testing to occur simultaneously.

The five (5) components of agile implementation are: 

Phased Approach

The ELS deployments will occur in a five (5) phases:

  1. August 2024
    • Bureau of Medical Marijuana (BMM)
  2. July 2025
  3. *November 2025
    • DDAP, PDA, DDC
  4. *March 2026
  5. *October 2026
    • DSI, DICF, DNCF, DHH, BCHS, IDT, DAAC, Temp Health Care Svcs

* The implementation date for these phases has not been finalized and are subject to change.


The ELS includes several categories that encompass the capabilities that will seamlessly work together to meet the common goal of providing licensure to the Departments’ providers. 

Technical Vendor Focus

VisualVault is the technical vendor that was selected to build the Enterprise Licensing System. The vision of the VisualVault design is to create a configurable Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) licensing and compliance solution specifically for the Commonwealth’s unique requirements. The result is a better, more sustainable foundation to help citizens receive improved service speed, quality, and outcomes.

The VisualVault Team is focused on the need to:

  • Leverage synergies across agencies, bureaus, and offices served. Traditionally, each stakeholder group had a focused/siloed solution for just their needs. Together, we are now working to achieve synergies across all license types while still operating within the different statutes and regulations.
  • Enable staff to refocus actions back to a higher value, citizen-facing activities via a highly automated functionality. 
  • Enable all to fulfill their obligations better. The Commonwealth’s vision is to enable staff, providers, local support teams, and citizens to benefit from the new ELS’ automation to reverse the trend, time, and resources associated with increased program documentation.
  • Remove the workarounds and limitations that siloed processing, outdated systems, and software licensing impose on the community of users.


VisualVault Approach and Goals

When the VisualVault team thinks of licensing, VisualVault considers the people receiving the benefits from qualified service providers, the quality of lives of the children who receive services that enable them to reach their potential, and the parents who could not afford the resources had it not been for the Commonwealth’s programs. 

The VisualVault goal is to transform the way Departments process work to create better outcomes and a differentiated client experience. This requires that the ELS solution ensure each program maintains control over its service area and user functionality while standardizing terms, forms, etc., to enable data reuse and sharing across the enterprise. At the same time, the data sets and supporting documentation are centralized for secure, ubiquitous access. The ability to centralize data and provide customized views for each program and its user community are the center tent posts to the Commonwealth solution.

VisualVault’s platform leverages the latest cloud technology and low-code templates to ensure long-term adaptability and support. Additionally, VisualVault is not just a system integrator. VisualVault is the software provider enabling the Commonwealth immediate access to new product features and support.