Continuing Education and Professional Development

Act 48 and PERMS

Act 48 of 1999 requires all Pennsylvania educators holding Pennsylvania public school certification (including Instructional I and II, Educational Specialist I and II, Administrative, Supervisory, Letters of Eligibility, and all vocational certificates) to participate in ongoing professional education.

Approved Provider Information

To request an application, email:

Independent providers of non-(college) credit professional education courses, programs, and activities wishing to apply for Approved Provider status must complete the application process necessary to obtain approval from the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), as required by the Pennsylvania School Code (24 P.S. §12-1205.2(d)). Approvals are granted for a period of three years.

Eligible providers include:

  1. Institutions of higher education for their noncredit continuing education offerings;
  2. Professional associations;
  3. Non-governmental organizations;
  4. Nonprofit organizations;
  5. Corporations, partnerships, and limited liability companies; and
  6. Sole proprietors (individuals).

Professional Education and Education Induction Plans

Professional Education Plan Applicants

School entities that do not complete a Comprehensive Plan in the Future Ready Comprehensive Planning Portal (FRCPP) may submit to the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) a Professional Education Plan for approval by completing the Approved Provider (AP) application. The Professional Education Plan should be designed to meet the continuing education needs of the school entity and its professional employees, so they may in turn meet the specific needs of students. Professional development must be based on sound research and promising practices of educator effectiveness, consistent with 24 P.S. §11-1123, and it must be part of an approved plan for building educators' skills over the long term. With an approved AP application, schools may award Act 48 hours to both their employees and other PA educators who may not be employed by the school.   

Educator Induction Plan Applicants

School entities that do not complete a Comprehensive Plan in the Future Ready Comprehensive Planning Portal (FRCPP) may submit to the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) an Educator Induction Plan for approval by completing the Educator Induction Plan (EIP) application. The Educator Induction Plan is for first-year teachers (including teachers in pre- kindergarten programs, when offered), long-term substitutes who are hired for a position for 45 days or more, and educational specialists.

To request a copy of  the Approved Provider and/or Education Induction Plan applications, email and include the following:

  • Entity name
  • Entity number (Entity ​FAQ for more information)
  • Administrative Unit Number (AUN), if applicable
  • Type of application (Approved Provider or Education Induction Plan) being requested

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

General Act 48

Options to Earn Act 48

Act 48 Provider

PIL/Act 45

Act 48 and Retirement

Act 55 of 2022 Extensions

Act 13 of 2020 Extensions

Act 118 of 2016 Extensions

Act 24 of 2011 Extensions


Date of UpdateSummary of Changes
​Act 55 of 2022 provided an extension to some educators (Act 55 of 2022 Extensions )
​Act 91 of 2021 increased the number of days an educator could substitute using an Inactive cert from 90 to 180.
Act 13 of 2020 provided an extension to some educators due to COVID-19 (Act 13 of 2020 Extension's FAQ)
11/2016Act 118 of 2016 provided an extension to some educators and introduced carry over hours (Act 118 of 2016 Extension's FAQ)
7/2016Carry over hours implemented in PERMS (General Act 48 FAQ)
2016PDE enacts a process for reactivating a PA certificate with an active and valid Out-of-State certification (Reactivating with an out of state certificate.)
1/2015PDE began accepting e-transcripts from out-of-state institutions for Act 48
7/2013Professional Personnel ID# (PPID) replaced SSN as the sole identifier for educators in PERMS.
2011Act 24 of 2011 provided an extension to some educators (Act 24 of 2011 Extension's FAQ)
2007Act 45 enacted (Act 45/PILS FAQ)
6/2006Professional Personnel ID# (PPID) instituted in PERMS
2006Act 5 enacted
2000Act 48 enacted (General Act 48 FAQ)