​​​Professional ​​Vacanci​​es

This spreadsheet shows the number of full-time and part-time vacant professional positions (teachers, administrators, supervisors and coordinators) at the start of the school year in October. The spreadsheet also shows if the positions are being filled by long-term substitutes with no educational obligation, day-to-day substitutes or are not staffed. NOTE: Any posted position that is currently filled by an individual with a Type 01 Emergency Permit (vacant position/long-term substitute with an educational obligation to pursue certification) is not considered unoccupied and is not included in this collection.

Number of Teac​​hers L​​eaving Their Position

This spreadsheet shows the number of full-time classroom teachers who leave their position each year by category (e.g., retired; resigned/terminated and remained in education; resigned/terminated and left education; disciplinary action; death/illness, etc.) This information is self-reported by local education agencies (LEAs). The data begins with the 2015-16 school year.  ​