• Individuals, entities, organizations, or private schools
  • Institutes of Higher Education (IHE) if seeking to provide non-college credit.

  • Approved Provider (AP): This application is for individuals, entities, organizations, private schools, or institutes of higher education (non-college credit) who wish to provide professional development, Act 48 hours, for any educational professional.
  • Educator Induction Plan (EIP): This application is for non-public/private school entities who wish to meet the Pennsylvania Department of Education requirements to permit teachers to move from Instructional I certification to Instructional II certification.

  • Email the HELP DESK at RA-EDACT48APP@pa.gov.
  • Provide the following information in the email:
    • Name of entity
    • Primary contact name and email/phone
    • Administrative Unit Number (AUN), if available.
    • Entity Number (EN) for businesses, entities, organizations, and/or associations.



Private licensed schools and non-school institutions providing face-to-face and/or online professional development in PA need to apply for a business Entity Number via the PA Department of State. The business Entity Number is different than an EIN.  The EIN is the federal tax ID number assigned by the IRS.  

NOTE:  In October of 2022, the Entity Number was replaced by the File Number.  Filings submitted and approved by the PA Department of State after this date would have/will be assigned a File Number instead of an Entity Number.  

If your entity is already registered with the PA Department of State, you can find your Entity/File Number by searching your business name in the Department of State's Business Filing Services.  

If your entity does not have an existing Entity/File Number, you can obtain one by registering with the PA Department of State.  To do so, you must create a user account in the Business One-Stop Stop Hub (Hub), access the PA Department of State's Business Filing Services (BFS), and submit the appropriate filing based on your business structure.  You can find the appropriate filing based on your business structure below: 

  • Individual/Sole Proprietorship:  Fictitious Name Registration
  • Domestic Limited Liability Company:  Certificate of Organization
  • Domestic Corporation:  Articles of Incorporation – For Profit
  • Domestic Non-Profit Corporation:  Articles of Incorporation – Non-Profit
  • Out-of-State Business Entity:  Foreign Registration Statement

For step-by-step assistance with registering in the Hub and submitting your filing in the PA Department of State's Business Filing Services system to obtain your Entity/File Number, please refer to the Start a New Business in BFS help guide.  

For additional questions related to registering a business with the PA Department of State and obtaining an Entity/File Number, refer to their Guide to Business Registration or contact them directly at 717-787-1057 or by email at business.state@pa.gov.  

For general information related to doing business in Pennsylvania, please review the PA Business One-Stop Shop website.  


  • If you are a new provider, your AUN will be assigned upon approval of your application.
  • If you are a current provider with an AUN, the AUN can be accessed through EdNA.

  • The HELP DESK will respond to your email and, if all information is accurately provided as stated in #3, you will be assigned a reviewer.
  • Within 3 business days, you will receive a contact from the REVIEWER with the application and instructions.
  • Once the application is emailed to you by the REVIEWER, you have a 30-day RESPONSE window.

NOTE: If the applicant is not prepared to RESPOND within the 30-day timeframe, request the application from the HELP DESK once ready to meet the timeframe.