​PAsecureID and PPID​


​What is PAsecureID?

PAsecureID is a unique, permanent, anonymous state-wide student ID assigned to all students upon their first entry into the Commonwealth public school system.  A single, unique PAsecureID remains with an individual student throughout their educational career.

PAsecureID is the key to the Pennsylvanian Information Management System (PIMS) longitudinal data system. It is currently or will in the future:

  • Reduce the number of unique reports required by PDE and the effort to produce them
  • Provide districts access to longitudinal data to support local instructional decision making
  • Link student records between districts and across years to increase the accuracy and utility of data
  • Streamline reporting processes from LEA to PDE and US Department of Education.

How to Guides and​​ Training Documents

Requests for PAsecureID assistance should be directed to the Help Desk


Act 48 &​​ PERMS

Teacher Infor​​mation Management System (TIMS)