​Diplomas and Transcripts

The Department of Education does not provide copies of academic transcripts or diplomas. To request a copy of a transcript document, follow the instructions for the institution attended in the drop downs below.

All Pennsylvania high school equivalency diplomas and transcripts for the GED® test, the HiSET® exam, and the 30 College Credit Option are handled by DiplomaSender

To request a copy of a transcript, diploma, or letter of verification of high school equivalency, visit  www.diplomasender.com.  

Individuals may contact DiplomaSender by phone at 855-313-5799. For questions about high school equivalency options in Pennsylvania, contact ra-edhse@pa.gov

Contact the school or District Office. Each district maintains and follows a records retention policy. They may offer a copy of a Diploma but are not required. If the school is closed, records go to the current High School in that District.

Contact the school. For closed Private Schools please see: Non-Public/Private schools. 

Contact the school. For closed school records go to the high school in the district student was located. For questions contact: ra-charterschools@pa.gov. 

Contact the High School in the district the student was located. For questions contact: ra-home-education@pa.gov.  

Contact the school. Records are kept for 50 years. For closed Private Licensed Schools please see list of closed school records. For questions contact: ra-pls@pa.gov.