​Parent and Family Engagement

Title 1 Local Education Agency and School Parent and Family Engagement Policy Checklist

All Local Education Agencies (LEA) receiving Title I funds are required under Section 1116 of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) to develop a written Parent and Family Engagement Policy for the LEA. ESSA states that the LEA Parent and Family Engagement Policy must be jointly developed with parents and family members, incorporated into the LEA plan (Consolidated Application), and distributed to parents of participating children in a format and language that parents can understand. Such programs, activities, and procedures shall be planned and implemented with meaningful consultation with parents and family members of participating children.

LEA and School Parent and Family Engagement Policies

All Local Education Agencies (LEA) receiving Title I funds must develop jointly with, agree on with, and distribute to, parents of participating children, written School, and LEA Level Parent and Family Engagement Policies for all their Title I buildings. The Division of Federal Programs has developed templates to assist LEAs in meeting these requirements at the school and the LEA level. These templates contain the required elements for both policies. LEAs can use the templates labeled policies, school, and LEA, to adapt and receive board approval.  

The templates labeled ‘plans’ can be used when meeting with parents and families annually to discuss the parent and family engagement policy. Listed below are each of the parent and family engagement requirements under Section 1116 of the Every Student Succeeds Act. The LEA and the individual Title I schools should fill in how they are meeting each of the requirements and then update it annually with parent and family input. These templates do not need board approval.

It is essential to maintain agendas and sign-in sheets for compliance. The polices and plans must also be distributed annually to parents and family members.


PA Family Engagement Framework (PDF)

NOTE: this is a large file and may take extra time to download