Commonly Used Education Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Terms

AA – Associate Degree of Arts

AAS – Associate Degree of Applied Science

AAT – Associate of Applied Technology

ABE – Adult Basic Education

ACAC – American College Application Campaign

ACE – American Council on Education

ACS – Accuracy Certification Statement

AICUP – Association for Independent Colleges and University in Pennsylvania

AIR – American Institutes for Research

AS – Associate Degree of Science

ASB – Associate Degree of Specialized Business

AST – Associate Degree of Specialized Technology

AVTS – Area Vocational-Technical School; also referred to as a Career & Technical Education Center (CTC)

AY – Academic Year

BBFM – PDE's Bureau of Budget and Fiscal Management

BCTE – PDE Bureau of Career and Technical Education

CACG – College Access Challenge Grant

CAO – Chief Academic Officer

CC – Community College

CCAR – Community College Annual Report

CCSSO – Council of Chief State School Officers

CEC – Community Education Council

CEO – Chief Executive Officer or Chief Enrollment Officer

CHEA – Council for Higher Education Accreditation

CIP – Classification of Instructional Programs

CPSL – Child Protective Services Law (state)

CTC – Career and Technical Education Center

CTE – Career and Technical Education

DCED – Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development

DDQ – PDE Office of Data Quality

DHS – Pennsylvania Department of Human Services

DOC – Pennsylvania Department of Corrections

DOH – Pennsylvania Department of Health

DPW – Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare (now called the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, or DHS)

ECE – Early Childhood Education

ECS – Education Commission of the States

ECUA – Education Consortium of the Upper Allegheny

eGrant – PDE's electronic grant application system

ELN – Early Learning Network

ELPC – The Educational Leadership and Policy Center

EOT – End of Term (often used when referring to PIMS data collection)

ESSA – Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015

FA – Financial Aid

FAFSA – Free Application for Federal Student Aid

FERPA – Federal Education Right to Privacy Act

FY – Fiscal Year

HB – House Bill

HEA – Higher Education Act

HQT – Highly Qualified Teacher

IAG – Institutional Assistance Grants

IHE – Institution of Higher Education

ILEE – Institute for Law Enforcement

IPE – Institution of Postsecondary Education

IPEDS – Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System

L&I – Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry

LBFC – Legislative Budget and Finance Committee

LEA – Local Education Agency (aka school districts, intermediate units, career/techs, etc.)

NCES – National Center for Education Statistics

NSC – National Student Clearinghouse

OA – Office of Administration

OCDEL – Office of Child Development and Early Learning (PDE/DHS)

OCL – PDE's Office of Commonwealth Libraries

OESE – PDE's Office of Elementary & Secondary Education

OPHE – PDE's Office of Postsecondary and Higher Education

P2P – Program-to-Program Articulation

PA TRAC – Pennsylvania Transfer and Articulation Center

PACTA – Pennsylvania Association of Career and Technical Administrators

PASSHE – Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education

PDE – Pennsylvania Department of Education

PASBO – PA Association of School Business Officials

PASA – PA Association of School Administrators

PSEA – PA State Education Association

PSBA – PA School Board Association

PHEAA – Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency

PIMS – Pennsylvania Information Management System

PLA – Prior Learning Assessment

PLS – Postsecondary Private Licensed Schools

PS – Postsecondary

PSSA – Pennsylvania System of School Assessment

RRC – Rural Regional College

SARA – State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement

SHEEO – State Higher Education Executive Officers

SLDS – Statewide Longitudinal Database System

SPP – School Performance Profile

SY – School Year

TAMC – Transfer Articulation Management Center on PA TRAC

TAOC – Transfer and Articulation Oversight Committee

TAP – Tuition Assistance Program

TIMS – Teacher Information Management System

USDE – U.S. Department of Education

WDB or WIB – Workforce Development Boards or Workforce Investment Boards

WIOA – Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (federal)