Instructions for Completing eSignature Resolutions

The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) will grant electronic signature as requested per the Resolution upon completion of the following:

  1. Ensure all [bold] bracketed areas are completed with the appropriate, relative information.

  2. The “Attest” section of the Resolution (page 1) must be signed by the President/Chair or Vice-President/Chair AND the Treasurer/Secretary.
    Note: The individual who is being granted the signatory authority may NOT attest on behalf of himself/herself.

  3. The governing body (school board, board of directors, board of trustees, etc.) must adopt the Resolution, identifying and authorizing the administrator (Superintendent, Executive Director, CEO, etc.) to sign electronic agreements with the PA Department of Education (PDE).

  4. Once the resolution is adopted by the governing body, the Secretary of the governing body must sign the top “certification” section of page 2.

  5. The authorized administrator (who received signatory authority) must sign the bottom “agreement” section of page 2.

  6. Email the documents to the Bureau of Management Services (BMS) to the following resource account: ED, GrantsFirst Please use the options for providing acceptable electronic signatures to the Department.

Once received, the resolution will be reviewed by the Department’s legal office. Once approved by legal, the BMS will grant electronic-signature access in the eGrants system.

Note: In order to grant eSignature access, the user must already exist in the eGrants system. Ensure the authorized administrator (who is receiving the signatory authority) has been setup as a user and has appropriate roles prior to emailing the resolution.

Timeframe: Please allow about a week for review and processing once received.

Feel free to contact the provided resource account with any questions regarding the electronic signature resolution process.