​Federal Programs General Guidelines

Consolidated Local Educational Agency (LEA) Plan

An LEA may receive Title I Part A, Title II Part A, Title III, English learners (ELs) and Immigrant Children and Youth (IMM) and Title IV Part A SSAEG only if the LEA has a state-approved LEA plan for implementing the programs. The LEA plan is to be developed in consultation with teachers, principals, administrators, other appropriate school personnel, and parents of children in schools served with Title I funds. Each LEA is required to review the LEA plan annually and to make any necessary changes.


School districts find it necessary, from time to time, to make changes to their school organization. Examples of changes include opening or closing a school, changing the grade structure or name of a school, and closing a school building. Laws and regulations apply to these changes and require the approval of the Department.

Detailed information regarding School Reconfiguration.

Email reconfiguration communications to: ra-school-configs@pa.gov

Reduction upon Program Cessation

Federal funds awarded to LEAs are intended to support program purposes during the full term of the applicable grant agreement with the LEA. In the event that the LEA ceases operating the approved program or programs funded prior to the end of the term of the applicable agreement, the award shall be automatically reduced on a pro rata basis for the actual number of days of operation of the program. Without limitation of any other remedies to which it is entitled, in the event of such program cessation or in anticipation of any expected cessation, the Department may, in its sole discretion, terminate the monthly payments to LEA and withhold any of the remaining funding granted under any applicable grant agreement until the Department has been provided appropriate documentation concerning any claimed program expenses through the last date of program operation.