Early Learning

Early Intervention

While all children grow and develop in unique ways, some children experience delays in their development. Children in Pennsylvania with developmental delays and disabilities benefit from a state supported collaboration among parents, service practitioners and others who work with young children. Pennsylvania's Early Intervention program provides coaching support and services to families with children, from birth to age five, with developmental delays and disabilities. Early intervention builds upon the natural learning opportunities that occur within the daily routines of a child and their family.

Early Intervention supports services and resources for children that enhance daily opportunities for learning provided in settings where a child would be if they did not have a developmental delay and disability, provides families' independence and competencies, and respects families' strengths, values and diversity. Supports and services are designed to meet the developmental needs of children with a disability, as well as the needs of the family related to enhancing the child's development in one or more of the following areas:

  • Physical development, including vision and hearing
  • Cognitive development
  • Communication development
  • Social or emotional development
  • Adaptive development

Pennsylvania​'s Early Intervention: Supporting Young Children​ (YouTube)

Eligibility and Services

Children from birth to age five who have special needs due to developmental delays and disabilities are eligible to receive Early Intervention services.

The services provided to children and their families differ based upon the individual needs and strengths of each child and the child's family. Services may be provided in the child's home, child care center, nursery school, play group, Head Start program, early childhood special education classroom or other settings familiar to the family. Early Intervention supports and services are embedded in typical routines and activities, within the family, community and/or early care and education settings. This approach provides frequent, meaningful practice and skill-building opportunities.


Early Intervention services are provided at no cost to families.

Family Support Programs

The Pennsylvania Children's Trust Fund (PA CTF) is dedicated to funding innovative and creative community-based child abuse and neglect prevention programs. Specific emphasis for funding is placed on primary prevention programs that focus on the prevention of abuse before it occurs for the first time. PA CTF was established pursuant to Act 151 of 1988, the Children's Trust Fund Act.

PA CTF is led by a 15-member Board of Directors and administered by the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL). The PA CTF Board consists of three members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, three members of the Pennsylvania Senate and nine citizens appointed by the Governor and confirmed by majority vote of the Senate. The Deputy Secretary for OCDEL under the Departments of Human Services and Education serves as the Executive Director to the Board.

The Pennsylvania Children's Trust Fund is funded through revenue generated from:

  • A $10 surcharge on all marriage licenses and divorce complaints filed in the Commonwealth.
  • An option to donate $5 to the Children's Trust Fund when renewing vehicle registrations, driver's licenses, or state identifications online though PennDOT.
  • Income-tax check-off option. Taxpayers can contribute all or a portion of their Pennsylvania tax refund; and 
  • Interest and donations. 

Pennsylvania's CTF has been investing in child abuse and neglect prevention efforts since 1990.

For more information, please visit the Pennsylvania Children's Trust Fund.

Since 1992, Pennsylvania's Family Centers have integrated and provided community services to help families become healthier, better educated, and self-sufficient. Family Centers help parents:

  • Learn about their children's development.
  • Engage in parent education and child development activities.
  • Access health care information as well as assistance regarding health care services and insurance.
  • Access education, training, and employment information.
  • Receive information and assistance on other community resources, such as well-baby care, immunizations, and early intervention services. 

Since each Family Center takes a unique approach to meeting their community's needs, not all services are available in every center. However, Family Center services may include:

  • Evidence-Based Home Visiting​
  • Adult Education
  • Job Training and Placement
  • Language Skills
  • Literacy Programs
  • Parent Support Groups
  • Parenting Skills Programs
  • Child Health and Development Screenings
  • Family Activities
  • Toy and Book Lending Libraries
  • Child Care Programs
  • Summer and After-School Activities​

Make a Referral

The CONNECT Helpline assists families in locating resources and providing information regarding child development for children ages birth to age five. In addition, CONNECT can assist parents by making a direct link to their county Early Intervention program or local preschool Early Intervention program. If you are unable to connect with your EI program, or you have difficulty starting teleintervention services, please email the Office of Child Development and Early Learning: ra-ocdintervention@pa.gov.


CONNECT Helpline: 1-800-692-7288, email or submit a form online.

Early Intervention Provider List

A directory for Early Intervention (EI) service providers in Pennsylvania. It offers a list of providers who are approved to deliver early intervention services to children with developmental delays or disabilities. The directory includes contact information and details about each provider, helping families and professionals find and connect with appropriate services.

Resource for Professionals

State EI, Federal 619 and Federal 611 - Component I Contact Information

​e-Grants Help Desk: ra-egrantshelp@pa.gov

  • IDEA, Section 619 & 611 Program Issues
  • State Early Intervention Program Issues
  • Special Education Plan (Early Intervention)

​Deb Noel: 717-265-8900 | ​dnoel@pa.gov
Emiliy Hackleman: 717-783-3636 | eha​ckleman@pa.gov

  • IDEA, Section 619 & 611 Fiscal
  • State Early Intervention Fiscal
  • EI School-Based Access
  • Training & Technical Assistance Requirement

Brian Bell: 717-346-0038 | ​bribell@pa.gov

Early Intervention Forms

Early Intervention Announcements

Early Intervention Announcement​​Announcement Number​Issue Date​Comments*
2023-2024 Early Intervention Fee Schedule (PDF)
Early Intervention Fee Schedule Rates 2024-2025 (Excel)
​EI 23-02
​Acceptable Signers of the Beneficiary Choice Form for the Infants, Toddlers and Families Medicaid Waiver (PDF)​ELS-EI 06-10​9/5/2006​Infant toddler early intervention only
Amended Behavior Supports Announcement for Young Children (PDF)​EI 10-08​10/25/2010
​At-Risk Tracking for Infants and Toddlers Experiencing Homelessness (PDF)​EI 14-01​11/21/2014
Children Experiencing Homelessness (PDF)​OCDEL 13-01​5/9/2013​Applicable to all OCDEL programs
​Childfind System Including Children who are Wards of the State, Children Living in Residential Facilities Children Who Were Abused and Children who are Homeless (PDF)​EI 09-13​9/11/2009Infant toddler early intervention only
Recommendations for Infants, Toddlers and Preschool-Age Children Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (PDF)
BEISFS Authorization to Release Information for Children With Hearing Concerns (PDF)
BEIS Authorization to Release Information for Children in Early Intervention (PDF)
BEIS Authorization to Release Information for Infants/Toddlers with Hearing Concerns - Spanish
​EI 21-03​11/29/2021
​Collecting and Reporting Child Outcome Data in Infant/Toddler and Preschool Early Intervention Programs (PDF)​EI 12-07​10/26/2012
​Confidentiality, Parent Consent and Surrogate Parents (PDF)
Understanding Early Intervention Data Systems (PDF)
​EI 12-03​4/11/2012​Infant toddler early intervention only
​Early Intervention Service Delivery: Coaching Across Settings (PDF)
​EI 20-03​11/30/2020​PA Infant, Toddler and Preschool EI Program Leaders
​Eligibility for the Infants, Toddlers and Families Medicaid Waiver (PDF)
Fair Hearing Request for Infant, Toddler and Families Waiver (PDF)
Certification of Choice for Infant, Toddler and Families Waiver (PDF)
Certification of Need for Infant, Toddler and Families Waiver (PDF)
Recertification of Need for Infant, Toddler and Families Waiver (PDF)
​EI 08-10​9/22/2008​Infant toddler early intervention only
​Eligibility for Infant/Toddlers and Preschool Early Intervention (PDF)
Guidance on Evaluation Practices (PDF)
​EI 13-08​12/13/2013
​Extent and Duration of Early Intervention Programs for Preschoolers, Including Services During Scheduled Breaks in Their Programs (PDF)​EI 08-03​4/16/2008​Preschool early intervention only
​Funding Responsibilities for Early Intervention Services for Children at Kindergarten Age (PDF)​EI 10-065/18/2010​​​Preschool early intervention only
​Inclusion of All Children in Early Childhood Programs in Pennsylvania (PDF)DS 039/30/2020
​IDEA Early Intervention Complaint Procedures (PDF)​EI 11-01​6/1/2011
​Infant and Toddlers Referred to Pennsylvania's Early Intervention Program from Out of State (PDF)​EI 13-04​4/30/2013​Infant toddler early intervention only
​Infant/Toddler Early Intervention Service Coordination (PDF)​EI 18-01​9/26/2018​Infant toddler early intervention only
​Infant/Toddler Early Intervention Cost Centers (PDF)
Cost Centers Announcement (PDF)
​EI 11-0411/16/2011​Infant toddler early intervention only
​Lead Exposure in Infants/Toddlers and Preschoolers (PDF)​EI 22-01
​Local Determination Process (PDF)​EI 18-0212/21/2018
​Mediation, Due Process, and IFSP Facilitation Procedures for Infant/Toddler Early Intervention (PDF)​EI 12-05​7/1/2012​Infant toddler early intervention only
​Natural Environments (PDF)​ELS-EI 06-04​7/24/2006​Infant toddler early intervention only
​Operational Guidance for Infant/Toddler Programs Regarding Children Living in Residential Facilities (PDF)​EI 10-04​4/9/2010​Infant toddler early intervention only
​PA Pre-K Counts and Early Intervention Working Together (PDF)
MAWA Districts and Counties (PDF)
​EI 07-12​10/24/2007​Applicable to Pre-K and early intervention programs
​Paraprofessional Qualifications (PDF)​EI 10-07​6/15/2010​Preschool early intervention only
​Pennsylvania System of Payment (PDF)​EI 13-02​Reissued 3/19/2013​Infant toddler early intervention only
​Positive Behavior Support (PDF)
Restraint Form (PDF)
​EI 13-07​8/29/2013
​Provider Qualifications (PDF)​EI 16-01​2/12/2016
​Public Participation Requirements under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (PDF)​EI 12-09​10/26/2012
Qualifications for Individuals to Provide Speech-Language Pathology Services in Early Intervention and the Requirements for Billing (PDF)​EI 09-17​10/5/2009
​Reduction of Expulsion and Suspension in Early Childhood Programs in Pennsylvania (PDF)
​EI 17-02​6/30/2017
​Referring Children to the County Intellectual Disability and Autism Programs (PDF)
Attachment 1 - Diagnostic and Eligibility Information for Services Through the County IDA Program (PDF)
Attachment 2 - Department of Human Services Office Overview and Resources (PDF)
Attachment 3 - Understanding the Importance of Registering with the County IDA Program (PDF)
​ODP 00-22-04
​Release of Information (PDF)
BEIS Voluntary Authorization to Release Information (Word)
​EI 10-02​1/29/2010
​Reportable Incidents for Mandated Reporters (PDF)
Reportable Incident Form (PDF)
Reportable Incident Form (Word)
​EI 23-03
​Infant toddler early intervention only
​​Revision to the Early Intervention Special Education Plan Review Notice (SEPRN) (PDF)
Preschool EI Special Education Plan Revision Notice (Word)
​​EI 20-01​1/31/2020​​Preschool early intervention only
Early Intervention Session Note (PDF)
Session Note Format (PDF)
​EI 23-01
​Infant toddler early intervention only
Screening, Evaluation, and Assessment in Early Intervention (PDF)
Parental Rights Agreement (PDF)
Parental Rights Agreement Annotated (PDF)
​EI 12-01​4/11/2012​Infant toddler early intervention only
​Third Party Insurance Denials and Public Consulting Group (PDF)​EI 13-05​4/30/2013​Infant toddler early intervention only
Transition of Preschool Children to School Age Programs (PDF)
Transition Intent Letter 1st Grade (Word) ​
Transition Intent Letter K (Word)
Transition Meeting (Word)
​EI 09-19​10/20/2009​Preschool early intervention only
​Transition of Toddlers to Preschool or Other Community Services (PDF)
Transition Invitation Letters (Word)
​EI 13-01​1/30/2013
Updates to Early Intervention Policy Based on Requirements in IDEA Part C Regulations (PDF)​EI 12-02​4/11/2012​Infant toddler early intervention only

*Unless otherwise noted, announcements pertain to both infant toddler and preschool