Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine

The Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) Order of Quarantine and Treatment was created to protect Pennsylvania's economy and residential quality of life to stop the spread of this invasive pest to new areas within or outside of the current quarantine zone. Addenda to this  quarantine order have added counties to the quarantine area, as shown in the PA Quarantine Map below.​

Quarantine zones may be expanded to new areas if SLF detections are confirmed. The interactive SLF quarantine map provides information on whether your location is quarantined for SLF.

Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Maps

Quarantine Compliance

All residents and businesses must comply with the SLF order and regulations. To protect neighbors and communities, the agriculture industry and Pennsylvania's business vitality, everyone needs to be aware of the risks and how to utilize best management practices in their daily activities to avoid spreading SLF.

SLF Quarantine strictly prohibits the movement of any SLF living stage including egg masses, nymphs, and adults and regulates the movement of articles that may harbor the insect.

The following are examples of regulated articles:

    • Landscaping, remodeling or construction waste
    • Logs, stumps, or any tree parts
    • Firewood of any species
    • Grapevines for decorative purposes or as nursery stock
    • Nursery stock
    • Packing materials such as pots, crates, pallets, etc.
    • Outdoor household articles including recreational vehicles, tractors and mowers, grills and furniture and their covers, tarps, mobile homes, tile, stone, deck boards, mobile fire pits
    • Any associated equipment and vehicles not stored indoors

Intentional movement of SLF is expressly prohibited and is a serious offense. Violations could result in criminal or civil penalties and/or fines.