4-H Led Me to My Profession: Sven Spichiger

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​Sven-Erik Spichiger, Entomology Program Manager

What is your current job title and role with PDA?
I oversee the Entomology Division, which handles insect pest survey, invasive insect pest response, laboratory analysis of insects and the apiary program.

How long were you in the 4-H Program and what was your focus?
I began at the age of 8 and focused on archery, entomology and international cooking through high school. I was a counselor for 4-H camp for two years and a 4-H ambassador in high school. I was also a group leader for entomology in Erie County during high school; Lancaster County in 2009; and Dauphin County in 2010. When my daughter turns eight, I will probably become a group leader in Dauphin County again.
What was your favorite part of 4-H?
My favorite parts were 4-H camp and running the different entomology groups.
What’s the most important lesson you learned from it?
I could do things myself, if I took the time to learn how to do them from others. And, that I could show others how to do things, too!
How did 4-H prepare you for the job you have today?
In doing well with all three units of entomology, it not only helped me to determine what profession I enjoyed, but it helped me connect with mentors. They helped show me the difference between entomology as a hobby and entomology as a profession.