4-H Broadened My View of Agriculture: Dr. David Wolfgang

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​Dr. David Wolfgang, State Veterinarian and Bureau Director for Animal Health and Diagnostic Services

How long were you in the 4-H Program and what was your focus?  

I was in 4-H for six years. I focused on horses and was an officer in my local club and county.

What was your favorite part of 4-H?  

I liked going on trail rides and making friends from different schools with similar interests. And, it didn’t hurt that there were always lots of girls my age who were interested in horses!

What’s the most important lesson you learned from it?  

I learned to be responsible, have cooperation, be competitive (in a friendly manner), and skills in animal care.  

How did 4-H prepare you for the job you have today?

 It broadened my view of agriculture, in general. It showed me the importance of good animal care and health, being respectful of others, and working together for the common good.