Retail Grocery Stores, Restaurants & Bars

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For the most up-to-date information and guidance for restaurants in PA, please visit the Governor's Restaurant Industry Guidance page.

COVID-19 Grocery Stores and Retail Food.

The goals of these actions are to protect the public and employees working at grocery stores and retail settings that provide food during the COVID-19 mitigation phase. The service that employees and delivery staff are providing to ensure Pennsylvanians continue to have access to a safe, reliable food supply is critical during the COVID-19 mitigation phase.

Below we provide guidance for bars, wineries, breweries, pubs, restaurants/cafeterias, food trucks, and grocery stores.

Retail Beverage Service Venues

  • Per the Governor's order, all restaurants and bars must close their dine-in facilities to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
  • This guidance is not intended to halt the production of beer, wine and spirits.
  • Bars, breweries, pubs, and wineries that include meals provided by a full kitchen should follow the restaurant guidance below if they provide carry-out, delivery or drive-through options.

 Retail Food Service and Other Related Service Venues Restaurants/Cafeterias

  • Restaurants should be closed for in-restaurant seated dining and outdoor seated dining and should be open only to drive-through or other pick-up/delivery options.
  • Remind employees of best hygiene practices including washing their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Increase frequency of cleaning and sanitizing per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection guidance of all hard surfaces, including tables and counter tops that are being utilized by employees and patrons during pickup/delivery options.

 Food Trucks

  • Increase frequency of cleaning of menus, cash registers, receipt trays, condiment holders, writing instruments and other non-food contact surfaces frequently touched by patrons and employees.
  • Ensure that social distancing of six feet per person for non-family members is maintained and make clear that family members can participate together, stand in line together, etc.
  • Limit the number of people in lines.
  • Increase frequency of cleaning and sanitizing per CDC Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection guidance of all hard surfaces.
  • Remind employees of best hygiene practices including washing their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

 Grocery Stores

  • The food distribution chain is critical to the public's health.
  • Grocery stores should remain open and operational but may consider altering hours to allow for increased cleaning and restocking.
  • As with other settings, ensure that social distancing of six feet per person for nonfamily members is maintained and make clear that family members can participate in activities together, stand in line together, etc.
  • Social distancing of six feet per person, particularly between individuals who have come together on a one-time or rare basis. 
  • Limit the number of customers at any given time as necessary to reduce outdoor/indoor crowding and lines to meet social distancing guidance.
  • Increase cleaning and sanitizing frequency of restroom and other high contact areas.
  • Train employees on best hygiene practices including washing their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Additional opportunities throughout the venue for persons to reduce the spread of the virus through hand washing or sanitizing stations.
  • Eliminate indoor or outdoor dining areas and samples
  • Stores that have online ordering with outside pick-up or delivery options should encourage use of these when possible in lieu of indoor shopping.
  • Send sick employees home.
  • Encourage employees to practice social distancing at home and during off-hours to avoid risk of exposure and remain healthy.

Updated 3/19/20