Frequently Asked Questions

The following information is provided as a guide and is not a legal interpretation of the Act.


​A: Hemp is a versatile plant that has been used for thousands of years as a source of fiber and food. While grown commercially in the United States until after World War II, hemp became regulated along with marijuana and its cultivation was prohibited.

​A: Hemp and marijuana are different varieties of the same species of plant, Cannabis sativa. Marijuana is cultivated because of its production of the psychoactive plant chemical delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. Hemp is cultivated for fiber, seed and floral extracts, and federal and state law requires that the concentration of THC must be less than 0.3% in hemp.

​A: There are thousands of uses for hemp. Some of those include: fibrous stem products (paper products, molded plastics, textiles, construction materials, etc.); seed products (food products for human consumption, culinary oil, body care products, fuel, etc.) and floral/foliar products (CBD extracts). Part of the development of a hemp industry is to determine what the most appropriate uses are for Pennsylvania in terms of growth, production and processing of hemp.

​A: Through the 2018 Farm Bill, the federal government has changed the legal status of hemp. It has been removed from regulation under the federal Controlled Substance Act, ending any restrictions on import or interstate movement of hemp seed, plants, or products. However, the 2018 Farm Bill still requires that every site where hemp is grown be registered with the state or federal government under a program with requirements for inspection and testing. The PA Hemp General Permit explains the permitting process and requirements for hemp permitting in Pennsylvania. It can be found on the PDA hemp program webpage.

A: During the 2023 season, there were 215 growing permits issued (includes 14 research permits). This was the seventh year that hemp was grown in the commonwealth after having been banned for approximately 80 years. PDA will be accepting new growing permit applications and permit renewals for the 2024 growing season beginning in October.

A: There are some restrictions in place limiting where hemp may be grown, cultivated, propagated, planted or processed. 

  1. Hemp may not be grown, cultivated, propagated, planted or processed in or within 200 feet of any structure used for residential purposes, without prior written approval from the Department. See Application Instructions, page 9 for further instructions.
  2. Hemp may not be grown, planted, cultivated or propagated within 1,000 feet of a pre-kindergarten through 12th grade school property or a public recreational area, without prior written approval from the Department.
  3. Hemp may not be planted within 3 miles of a Department of Health Medical Marijuana Grower-Processor. See the PDA hemp program webpage ( for the links to the Grower-Processor links, found on the Medical Marijuana tab.

​A: Two years of research projects showed that good soil fertility - with adequate nitrogen, proper planting depth, and pre-plant weed control - is important for a good crop. Growers also need to evaluate available harvesting options, because many combines are not designed for use with this crop, which is well known for its strong fiber and stalks. For additional production information, visit the Penn State Extension's Hemp webpage.

​A: The two programs are separate and authorized by different Acts and Departments. Hemp contains virtually no THC (less than 0.3%); both hemp and marijuana plants do contain levels of other compounds of interest, such as cannabinoids like CBD. Hemp growers and processors must have a permit from the PA Department of Agriculture.

The Medical Marijuana Act, administered by the PA Department of Health, requires all the cannabis for medical use to be grown at a permitted growing/processing facility or, following the signing of Act 44 of 2021 amending Pennsylvania's Medical Marijuana law, by a PA hemp grower meeting both the requirements of the Pennsylvania Hemp General Permit guidelines and of 28 Pa. Code § 1171.29. Testing require​ments​.

​A: Interested individuals or businesses should carefully review the PA Hemp General Permit Guidelines before applying online at PA Plants or filling out the Hemp Permit Application & Renewal Form (PDF) and submitting by mail. Applicants should review the Application Instructions and the Checklist for Application and Permit Responsibilities, both available here.

The deadline for growing and research application submission is April 1. Applications for processing permits will be accepted throughout the year.

​A: Yes. PDA has established a permit application fee of $150 for new permits and $50 for renewed permits. Additionally, the permittee is responsible for paying fees from other agencies associated with hemp permit requirements, such as FBI criminal history background checks, official sampling, THC testing, and cost of crop destruction if found out-of-compliance.

A: Yes, new applicants need to get an FBI background check by submitting their fingerprints to the IdentoGO service (Service Code: 1KG8NN; Service Name: Hemp Grower) within 60 days of the date of submitting their hemp permit application, by visiting or by calling 844-321-2101. If the new applicant is a business, rather than an individual, then all Key Participants in the business will also need a background check. Key Participants are a person or persons who have a direct or indirect financial interest in the entity producing or processing hemp, such as an owner or partner in a partnership. A key participant also includes persons in a corporate entity at executive levels including chief executive officer, chief operating officer and chief financial officer. Background checks are good for 3 years, as long as the individuals have been a permit holder or key participant continuously for the 3 years.  (Any new key participants on renewing permits would need a background check within 60 days of the application.)

​A: A permittee does not need to own the property where they would grow or process hemp, but the property does need to be "completely controlled by the applicant or permitted grower" [PA Hemp General Permit, Article II, Section (b)(2)(iii)(F)]. That means that the applicant or permittee must have a property lease for any property which is not owned by them. A property lease agreement (i.e., rental contract) with the property owner may include, but not be limited to:  naming of landlord and tenant, description of property, terms of lease, rent amount and signatures of landlord and tenant. [Consulting an attorney could be beneficial when entering or developing a lease.] The property lease agreement shall be made part of and kept in the applicant's records. The applicant shall provide the Department access to the records for review or copying or both, upon request. A signed Access Agreement must be submitted each year for every leased property (template available here.)

A: There is no limit to the number of permits or the amount of hemp that will be permitted. Any application that meets all requirements of the program will be approved.

​A: There is no maximum limit to the size of plantings covered under a permit, however each deeded property will require a permit of its own. There are minimum requirements for plantings, unless prior written approval is requested from the Department. (See Application Instructions, page 9 for further instructions.) Outdoor growers must plant a minimum of 50 plants and indoor growers must plant a minimum of 1,000 square feet and 50 plants.

A: Hemp growing and processing permit holders are listed on the interactive PA Hemp Map, available on the Hemp Program webpage. This shows the distribution of hemp permits throughout the commonwealth by County and City. Phone numbers, email addresses and website links will be available on the map for permit holders who have opted to share this contact information.

Another potentially helpful mapping resource available to hemp permit holders is FieldWatch®, a voluntary online program which allows specialty crop growers to share their locations. This program allows pesticide applicators to search for what sensitive specialty crops (and bee colonies) could potentially be impacted by their pesticide applications. For further information on the FieldWatch® program or to register, visit

​A: Yes. Permit holders will need to renew their permits annually. The permits expire on December 31st of each year. If renewing permit holders wish to grow or process at new locations, they must also submit property information for those locations and be issued additional permit numbers.

​A: Since 2020, processors of hemp need to have a hemp permit from the PA Department of Agriculture. They are required to fill out the Hemp Permit Application & Renewal Form. Some examples of hemp processing include: drying, bucking or trimming hemp plants; heating, husking or milling seed, decorticating or chipping stalks, etc. No permit is required for secondary or tertiary processors that do not receive any potentially viable hemp material (i.e. adding CBD extract to lotions or salves, adding milled hemp flour to food products, etc.).

A: There is not a state level permit/license requirement in Pennsylvania specifically for wholesaling, retailing or brokering hemp and hemp products. It is recommended, however, that those selling hemp read the PA Hemp General Permit, specifically Article VI. Transportation and VII. Warehousing and Storing, so that they are aware of what information/documentation PDA requires permit holders to keep with hemp lots.  

There are however some licensing requirements for specific products which may apply to hemp sellers: producers of hemp food products would need to be registered as a Food Establishment with PDA's Bureau of Food Safety, sellers of hemp seed would need a PA seed dealer license and sellers of hemp plants for planting would need a PA plant merchant license.

​A: Yes, products produced from hemp grown in Pennsylvania may be sold in Pennsylvania or interstate, as long as the receiving state has no prohibitions on the sale. All products or substances distributed or sold must meet all state and federal laws and regulations that are applicable to the commodity. 

​A: Hemp products are regulated by several different federal and state mandates, which can be confusing. It is the responsibility of the permit holder to ensure any products or substances derived from hemp meet the requirements of all state and federal laws and regulations.

​A. Not at this time.  Before any ingredient can be sold or distributed as part of animal feed, the ingredient must be Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) by FDA and/or listed as a "recognized feed ingredient" by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO).  As part of the approval process, testing is currently being conducted to ensure the safety and nutritional value of hemp.  Growers are advised that any research project that involves feeding hemp products to their own animals may result in regulatory restrictions in the sale of products (meat, milk, eggs, etc.) from these animals. 

The Pennsylvania companies, Kreider Farms and Wenger Feeds, have made a self-determined GRAS conclusion for hemp seed as a feed ingredient for laying hens, based on their independent research and analysis, of which has been accepted by the PA Department of Agriculture. For Kreider Farms alone, the eggs produced by their hemp-fed layers may be sold within the commonwealth.

A: Cannabinoids, such as cannabidiol (CBD), are a group of chemicals concentrated in the female flower of the cannabis plant. Cannabidiol does not have the psychoactive effects of THC (another cannabinoid). PDA does permit growth of hemp for the purpose of producing CBD. The 2018 Farm Bill definition of hemp includes "the plant Cannabis sativa L. and any part of that plant, including the seeds thereof and all derivatives, extracts, cannabinoids, isomers, acids, salts, and salts of isomers, whether growing or not, with a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of not more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis." It will be the permit holder's responsibility to ensure that any CBD extraction or the production of CBD-containing substances complies with all laws and regulations.

To further clarify the legality of hemp products, visit the FDA's webpage FDA Regulation of Cannabis and Cannabis-Derived Products, Including Cannabidiol (CBD). There the FDA explains, under the Question and Answer heading, that while three hemp seed ingredients (hulled hemp seed, hemp seed protein powder, and hemp seed oil) have been determined to be generally recognized as safe (GRAS) as food ingredients, "no other cannabis or cannabis-derived ingredients have been the subject of a food additive petition, an evaluated GRAS notification, or have otherwise been approved for use in food by FDA."

​A: No. Pennsylvania’s Medical Marijuana Act (35 P.S. § §  10231.101—10231.2110) allows grower/processors to obtain hemp only from a person holding a permit issued by the Department of Agriculture to grow hemp; Act 44 of 2021 does not address hemp processing permits. According to PDA’s PA Hemp​ General Permit guidelines​, however, persons holding a permit issued by the Department of Agriculture to grow hemp MAY process their own harvested hemp under those permits. 

​A: Permitted Medical Marijuana grower/processors may obtain PDA-compliant harvested hemp from a person holding an active, current year’s permit issued by the Department of Agriculture to grow hemp (see published PA H​emp General Permit guidelines​, Article IV for PDA’s hemp compliance requirements). 

Hemp is defined, according to the 2018 Farm Bill, as the plant species Cannabis sativa L. and any part of that plant, including the seeds thereof and all derivatives, extracts, cannabinoids, isomers, acids, salts, and salts of isomers, whether growing or not, with a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of not more than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis.

A: By definition, the plants are no longer considered hemp if they test above 0.3% total THC (after accounting for adjustment by laboratory measurement of uncertainty). In these cases, either remediation or destruction must occur.

Above-compliance hemp lots can be remediated by chopping the whole plants for biomass or removing the flowers from the stalks. The biomass or stalk material would then need to be resampled by a PDA inspector and tested by a registered laboratory. If the result of the remediation testing is below 0.3% Total THC, the remediated hemp lot is considered compliant. If the lot still tests above-compliance, crop destruction will need to occur.

The Department will not consider hemp producers as committing a negligent violation if they produce plants exceeding the acceptable hemp THC level, if they use reasonable efforts to grow hemp and the plant does not have a THC concentration of more than 1.0 % on a dry weight basis. If it is determined that high THC levels were produced intentionally or maliciously, growers may face criminal penalties.

​A: Hemp seed may be obtained from other countries, from other states, or from Pennsylvania seed dealers. The grower is responsible for obtaining seed; the Department is not involved in that process. All companies selling hemp seed into the Commonwealth must have a PA seed dealer license. The Department recommends growers search for certified seed, if available, and consult the  Varieties of Concern and Prohibited Varieties Listing at here to avoid purchasing prohibited or high-risk seed.

A: To save seed for replanting, the seed must be grown in conditions that meet the requirements of the Pennsylvania Seed Act and the Seed Certification Program. In addition, growers would need to obtain written permission from the seed source.  More information can be found on the Seed Certification Program.

​A: Growers would need to obtain written permission for replication from the plant variety source and would also need to receive a PDA plant merchant license.

​A: Persons or institutions receiving permits to grow hemp must follow the requirements outlined in Pennsylvania's Hemp General Permit. These are also highlighted in the Checklist for Application & Permit Responsibilities. This includes payment of fees, submission of required reports, cooperation with onsite inspections, and destruction of hemp found to be above the 0.3% THC compliance level.