Terribly Good Two-Ingredient Recipes You Already Know

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​With so many great Pennsylvania restaurants, the truth is, maybe you haven't cooked in a while. You're usually very busy, after all.

You can still get great restaurant take-out but there is nothing like a quarantine to bring out the home-chef in you.

Even if nothing in your pantry seems to makes sense, there's usually something you can pull together that is quick, tasty and makes you feel satisfied with your amazing kitchen skills.

Here are some two-ingredient recipes that you may have forgotten about. Enjoy!

Note: Someone will have to do the dishes. This isn't a restaurant.


Grilled Cheese

Do you have:

  • Any kind of bread? White, wheat or rye.
  • Any kind of cheese? (Monterey jack, lacy swiss, shredded cheddar, it's all gouda)

You can make it work with what you have. Here's how:

Make a cheese sandwich. Throw that sucker in a warm skillet.

Maybe melt a little butter in the skillet first.  That will help it brown beautifully.

Cook the grilled cheese on low to medium heat. Don't rush it! That's how things burn.

If you feel like turning up the heat, don't. Low and slow. That's the ticket.

Flip it. Check for brownness and meltiness. Stop when it looks tasty.

Slap it on a plate and cut corner to corner, or into four strips if that person who said they didn't want one suddenly changed their mind and now you have to share.    

Pro tip: Place a lid on the skillet to hold the heat in for quicker melting.

You can get fancy by sticking extras in the sandwich. One good combo is the Swiss, cucumber and onion. Another is tomato, basil and mozzarella.

Obviously bacon would put this thing over the top. Bacon works with everything.



Do you have:

  • Soft tortilla
  • Shredded Cheese

Put the cheese on the tortilla, fold in half. Place in a dry skillet and cook it low and slow until the cheese is melted.

Pro tip: Slice the half-moon shape into triangle serving shapes while still in the skillet. Some of the cheese will leak out and get crusty in the skillet.

Do not allow folks to fight over crusty cheese. The chef gets dibs on this. No one else ever has to know.

The quesadilla is great on its own, or you could add onion, chicken, steak, shrimp, or obviously, bacon inside.

When done, get really fancy and dip it in sour cream, salsa or simply hot sauce.  


Applesauce bars

  • 1 cup apple sauce
  • 2 cups quick-cooking oatmeal

Mix together. Spread into a greased, sprayed or parchment-lined baking dish.

Bake at 350 for 10 minutes. Cool for 20 minutes.

Pro tip: flip the pan over on the counter and plop those bars onto parchment paper or some old newspaper while still warm.

A light sprinkle of sugar or cinnamon on top before baking can enhance the sweetness. Or obviously, bacon.


Topped Baked Potato

Do you have:

  • Russet potato (The bigger the better, but any size will do)
  • Some kind of topping

Wash potato under running water.

Stick spud with a fork a few times to allow steam to escape while cooking. You don't want it to explode like a kernel of popcorn.


  • 12 minutes in microwave


  • 1 hour at 350 in oven

Pro tip: Cheat father time by starting potatoes in microwave and finish off in oven for an authentic oven crusted skin. Maybe microwave for 7 minutes— No need to be exact— then place in oven for 10-15 minutes. Stick a fork in it to see if it is soft enough to eat.  

Before slicing it open. Roll your potato on the plate, massage it, whack it with the back of your fork or otherwise mash the soft stuff inside. No need for manners here.

Slice it open and take a moment to appreciate the rising steam.  

Top it with what ever you have on hand: butter, sour cream, plain yogurt, left over chili, left over shredded pot roast, broccoli cheese soup, green onions or obviously, bacon.


Angel food cake

Do you have:

  • Angel food cake mix
  • Water

Angel food cake mix from the grocery store is a slice of heaven. It's a satisfying dessert for less than $2.

Like Jell-O, angel food mixes require only water. Follow directions on the box. And yes, you can bake it in a regular pan if your don't have an angel food pan. The key is to remove it from the pan with care so you don't crush the air out and end up with a sad, smooshed, but still delicious cake.

Angel food pairs beautifully with crushed strawberries, peaches or whipped cream. But it is also yummy in plain bites, ripped by hand from the cake when no one is looking.

Pro tip: Try making a homemade angel food cake with its three simple ingredients, egg whites, sugar and flour.  


Celery with peanut butter

Do you have:

  • Celery
  • Peanut butter

The name is also the recipe.

Wash and slice some celery. Spread peanut butter on top.

Yum. Why don't we make this more often?

You could also spread on cream cheese and drop some bits of bacon on that.  

Perhaps set some children at a table with sliced celery, peanut butter and spatulas and ask them to go to town preparing this snack. Why should you do all the work?  

Pro tip: Walk away from the children's table. It will probably be OK.