Spotted Lanternfly: How Permits & Partnerships Work Together

When you get your spotted lanternfly permit, you're building a partnership with the PA Department of Agriculture & Penn State University and Extension. You'll learn how important having a permit is and how to mitigate the risks of spreading these bad bugs. You're also protecting your vendors, suppliers, and other industry partnerships you have when you're permitted.

Spotted lanternfly has the potential to greatly impact the grape, fruit tree, plant nursery and timber industries, which contribute billions of dollars each year to Pennsylvania's economy. A recent economic impact study estimates that, uncontrolled, this insect could cost the state $324 million annually and more than 2,800 jobs.

The Benefits of Permits

The spotted lanternfly quarantine and permitting process aims to stop the spread of spotted lanternfly not only in Pennsylvania communities, but in other states with our trade partners and industry stakeholders. The Permit process is truly an educational training designed to benefit businesses and employees through:

  • Explaining the risks of spotted lanternfly
  • Educating on how to identify the pest in all its life stages
  • Describing steps to take to prevent the spread

Permit training and knowledge is applicable on the job or at home as Pennsylvania residents are also tasked with helping prevent the spread.

Protecting Partnerships

The thing is, that if you are proactively taking steps to protect your business, your community and Pennsylvania's land you are actively protecting your partners, whether it's your vendors, suppliers or the very industries threatened by spotted lanternfly.

Businesses play a big role in stopping the spread and getting permitted is an important step in helping us stop spotted lanternfly from causing economic and environmental damage.

Steps to take:

  • Inspect both outgoing AND incoming goods and materials to protect yourself from spotted lanternfly from an outside source.
  • Incorporate pest control into vegetation management plans
  • Use the interactive SLF Permit Map to find future partners that are permit holders in the U.S. and Canada.
  • Ensure suppliers have permits and are striving to prevent the spread of spotted lanternfly on their materials and vehicles to your location. If they are not, voice your concerns and expectations before they deliver to your location.

Encourage your partners to do the same for you, getting a spotted lanternfly permit is simple and businesses are supported through the process. There are also a variety or resources and tools to help maintain compliance and make it easy to do your part to stop the spread.

Resources & Tools