Protect More than you realize with a Spotted Lanternfly Permit

Spotted Lanternfly permit protects more than you realize.

​The invasive spotted lanternfly has the potential to greatly impact Pennsylvania businesses and residents. Following best management practices in your personal and professional life can help protect not only your home but your community. These practices also protect your business and other vital businesses and industries in the state.

So, what does a spotted lanternfly permit protect? Well, it protects a lot of things, including:

  • Partnerships: When you get your spotted lanternfly permit, you're building a partnership with the PA Department of Agriculture & Penn State University and Extension. You'll learn how important having a permit is and how to mitigate the risks of spreading these bad bugs. You're also protecting your vendors, suppliers, and other industry partnerships you have when you're permitted.

  • Property: You do not want these pests in your yard or on your business property. Their honeydew waste builds up on any surface, leads to growth of sooty mold and fungi, and attracts wasps and other insects.

  • Pals: Just like you don't want these bad bugs, egg masses or their waste on your property, you certainly don't want to bring it to your pals. Permits protect your friends, neighbors and community.

  • Patrons: When you're implementing best management practices and mitigating risks, you're protecting your customers, too.

  • Pennsylvania: Getting a permit and mitigating the risks of spreading spotted lanternfly is an easy way to protect the natural beauty, tourism and reputation of Pennsylvania.

Join the effort to control and prevent the spread of this bad bug. We need everyone to protect their properties, communities, and Pennsylvania from this invasive insect that has the potential to change our landscape and quality of life.

Learn more about what you can do and about getting a permit at