​The Agriculture-Linked Investment (AgriLink) Program

The AgriLink Program provides low-interest loans to assist farmers in the implementation of water-quality best management practices (BMPs) that are consistent with the requirements of the PA Clean Streams Law.

The AgriLink Program is administered by the State Conservation Commission and the PA Treasury. The Commission subsidizes interest rates to provide a true low-interest loan for farmers through eligible commercial lenders and the Farm Credit Service.

It is the intent of the AgriLink Program to lower the costs of implementing water-quality BMPs on ag operations by offering a low-interest loan alternative for farmers.


Guidelines & Uses

An eligible farm must have current and up-to-date plans that meet the standards of the PA Clean Steams Law (Ag E&S Plans, NMP, MMP, Conservation Plan, etc.) for the agricultural operation.

An eligible farmer is any person, individual, partnership, corporation, or legal entity who has legal and financial responsibility for an agricultural operation; and is engaged in the management of the agricultural operation.


Eligible Projects

BMPs that are approved by the Commission and are listed in a Chapter 102.4 Ag E&S Plan (or other acceptable conservation plan), Act 38 Nutrient Management Plan, and/or DEP Manure Management Plan are eligible for AgriLink Program loans. BMPs may be either structural or management oriented. All eligible BMPs shall be designed and constructed to conform to the standards found in the Pennsylvania Technical Guide; or to standards developed by the Commission.

Examples of eligible BMPs include: 

  • Manure storage and handling facilities.
  • Barnyard and feedlot BMPs (Animal Concentration Areas).
  • Stream bank fencing (livestock exclusion).
  • Riparian buffers.
  • Rotational Grazing infrastructure and Pasture livestock watering systems.
  • Agricultural Storm water management practices.
  • other BMPs approved by the Commission.

See the Eligible Best Management Practice List provided by the Commission for more information.

Eligible Costs include:

  • Plan writing, Project design, and Engineering.
  • Project construction or installation; including labor provided by the applicant.


AgriLink provides loan funding to eligible projects through participating commercial lending institutions or an office of the Farm Credit Service such as Horizon Farm Credit.

  • The targeted interest rate will typically be 3% lower than the traditional loan offered by the lending institution.
  • The loan may be structured as a construction loan.
  • The amount of the loan is based on eligible costs submitted by the farmer (borrower) for an approved project.
  • A single loan awarded to an eligible borrower may not exceed $250,000.
  • The term of the loan may not exceed 12 years.

Participating lenders will evaluate all loan applications according to their usual lending standards and offer a loan program from their portfolio which best fits the needs of the farmer.

The AgriLink Program is currently available in all counties in Pennsylvania.


How to Apply

Farmers can apply for an AgriLink Program loan through any participating commercial lender or at any office of the Farm Credit Service.

Applicants must work with their local Conservation District (or other Commission-approved entity) to supply the participating lender with the following documentation at the time of application:

  1. A copy of a completed ‘Borrower Assurance of Eligibility and Verification’ form verifying the ag operation meets the necessary eligibility requirements.
  2. A copy of a completed ‘Statement of Concurrence of Project Costs’ validating reasonable cost estimates for construction of the BMPs.
  3.  A copy of a completed ‘Borrower Affidavit and Assurance of use of Funds’ assuring that the principle amount of the loan, when combined with any other funding sources obtained for the implementation of the project does not exceed the actual costs of the BMP; and that the loan funds will be exclusively used for  implementation of the BMP.


Copies of the forms should be provided to the Commission at the following address: jsemke@pa.gov

Upon approval of the application for the AgriLink Program loan, the terms between the lender and the borrower will be finalized; and the interest rate reduction will be applied.

Questions? Contact:

Justin S. Challenger
Financial & Technical Assistance Programs
State Conservation Commission
Phone: 717.772.4187
Fax: 717.705.3778



Participating Lenders (PDF)

Eligible Best Management Practices (PDF)

Application Checklist (PDF)