Pupil Transportation

The Division of Subsidy Administration collects transportation-related data from those Pennsylvania school districts, intermediate units, and career and technology centers that provide pupil transportation. The vehicle, mileage, and pupil data is used to calculate the Pupil Transportation and Nonpublic and Charter School Pupil Transportation subsidies.

Included on this web site are instructions for completing the web-based data collection forms as well as general information regarding the provision of pupil transportation and the calculation of the subsidies.

eTRAN Application Instructions

School districts, career and technology centers, and intermediate units must provide the Department of Education with detailed information about the pupil transportation services they provide. This information is used to determine the amount of subsidy each school district receives.

eTran Instructions
Mileage and Pupil Averaging

Pupil Transportation Subsidies

Various subsidy-related web pages and documents are available to 1) assist LEAs in providing accurate and timely reports to PDE and 2) estimate pupil transportation subsidies.

Cost Index

Pupil Transportation

School Code and Regulations

Various sections of the Pennsylvania Public School Code of 1949 and the Regulations of the State Board of Education address provision of and reimbursement for pupil transportation. Of particular interest are: School Code Section 1361, which addresses the provision of transportation services for public and nonpublic school pupils; Section 1362, which sets the maximum walking distance to a school bus stop; Section 2541, which provides for state payment toward pupil transportation costs; and Section 2509.3, which provides for supplementary payment for nonpublic school pupil transportation.

Additionally, State Board Regulations Section 23.4 outlines the responsibilities of the school district board of directors and Section 23.5 states who is eligible for transportation.