Food & Nutrition

​Online Discussion Groups and Related Links

These lists were originated by USDA and designed for State agency, school food service, and child care personnel to discuss issues about providing healthy meals to children. There is no fee for joining the lists. However, membership may be limited to related personnel. Messages and answers are unedited. The subscriber should assess the accuracy of the responses.

Mealtalk - An online discussion group for National School Lunch Program and CACFP participants.

  • To subscribe to Mealtalk: Send a message to:
    In the body, type: subscribe Mealtalk
  • To unsubscribe from Mealtalk: Send a message to:
    In the body, type: unsubscribe Mealtalk

Foodsafe - Discuss food safety issues with other professionals interested about food safety issues.

  • To subscribe to Foodsafe: Send a message to:
    In the body, type: subscribe Foodsafe
  • To unsubscribe from Foodsafe: Send a message to:
    In the body, type: unsubscribe Foodsafe

CACFP-Talk - Membership in this group is limited to State agencies and local CACFP administrators.

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    In the body of the message type: Subscribe CACFP-Talk
  • To unsubscribe from CACFP-Talk: Send a message to:
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SuccessTalk - Intended as a communication tool to link school health professional, child nutrition educators, principals, teachers, parents, and community members interested in creating a healthy school nutrition environment.

  • To subscribe to SuccessTalk: Send a message to: 
    In the body of the message, type: Subscribe SuccessTalk your name<your email>
  • To unsubscribe from SuccessTalk: Send a message to:
    In the body of the message, type: Unsubscribe SuccessTalk

Feeding Kids Newsletter , an announcement only newsletter.

National Food Safety Educator's Network . EDNET - an electronic newsletter for educators and others concerned about food safety; sponsored by USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service, the Food and Drug Administration, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. EdNet provides monthly updates on food safety activities.

  • To subscribe, send an e-mail message to:
    In the body of the email, type: Subscribe EDNET-L first name last name

CACFP-Talk - Membership in this group is limited to State agencies and local CACFP administrators.

  • To subscribe to CACFP-Talk: Send a message to
    In the body of the message type: Subscribe CACFP-Talk
  • To unsubscribe from CACFP-Talk: Send a message to:
    In the body, type: unsubscribe CACFP-Talk

Mealtalk - An online discussion group for National School Lunch Program and CACFP participants.

Foodsafe - Discuss food safety issues with other professionals interested about food safety issues.

Feeding Kids Newsletter - an announcement only newsletter.

Summer Food Service Program sponsors are eligible to receive donated commodities. An application packet for donated commodities is available from Nancy Derr, PA Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Food Distribution.

Early Childhood Education Linkage System (ECELS) - Healthy Childcare Pennsylvania ( 1-800-243-2357 ) provides education and training to child care providers in Pennsylvania.

"The Foods I Eat: The Foods You Eat" by Roberta Duyff is a multicultural curriculum for preschoolers and is available from Many Hands Media, 1133 Broadway, Suite 1123, New York, NY 10010.

Children's books about food and nutrition are available through your local library or may be borrowed through the interlibrary loan from the Food and Nutrition Information Center  at (301) 504-5719. 

Healthfinder® serves as a gateway to reliable consumer health and human service information.

Resources for Afterschool Snack Programs:

Additional Afterschool Program Resources:

SuccessTalk - Intended as a communication tool to link school health professional, child nutrition educators, principals, teachers, parents, and community members interested in creating a healthy school nutrition environment.

  • To subscribe to SuccessTalk: Send a message to:
    In the body of the message, type: Subscribe SuccessTalk your name<your email>
  • To unsubscribe from SuccessTalk: Send a message to:
    In the body of the message, type: Unsubscribe SuccessTalk

Feeding Kids Newsletter - an announcement only newsletter.

The Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 requires that all schools implement Wellness Policies and Councils by July 1, 2006. Visit USDA's link to learn more about this requirement and read best practices.

Food and Nutrition Resource List for Child Care and Professional Staff. A comprehensive resource list for childcare professionals. Childcare Resource

Pennsylvania College of Agriculture Cooperative Extension - resources for early childhood

  • Nutrition in Every Theme Activity Booklets
  • Preschooler activity pyramids
  • Newsletters

​yourSELF Middle School Nutrition Education Kit a TEAM Nutrition Resource.
yourSELF inspires children to take responsibility for their nutrition and fitness choices and includes, student magazines, student activity guides, the Teacher's Guide, duplicating masters, a video, and a poster, "The Power of Choice."

Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 and Online Materials | Dietary Guidelines for Americans

Ask ERIC for lesson plans about:

  • Nutrition
  • Consumer Health
  • Food Safety
  • Agriculture in the Classroom: Fruits and Vegetables
  • Bugs Aren't all Bad
  • Fitness

CANFit Program
The California Adolescent Nutrition & Fitness Program's (CANFit) goal is to improve the nutritional well-being and physical fitness of low-income, multi-ethnic youth between 10-14 years of age. CANFit funds and supports local, community-based agencies that provide nutrition and physical activity education to adolescents. The curricula, lesson plans, and other educational materials developed by the CANFit grantees are available for use in your classroom. Check it out.

Fueled for Flight, Video kit
Invite a NASA astronaut and other experts to teach in your math and science classrooms! Fueled for Flight, an education kit, using the space shuttle as the theme to teach math and science skills to 5th and 6th grade students. Nutrition and exercise are used to make analogies between key concepts and the students' everyday lives. FREE to 5th and 6th grade science teachers who write to: Education Department, National Cattlemen's Beef Association on school letterhead specifying how they will use the kit. Other teacher will be charged $14.95. Fueled for Flight, Video kit, National Cattlemen's Beef Association, P.O. Box 670, Bloomingdale, IL 60108, 800-368-3138.

The Institute of Food Technologists
Do you want to teach your students about careers in the food industry? Teaching materials and videotapes about food science are free from this site. Click on Education & Careers.

Education Index® contains descriptions of superior Web-based education-related sites. To help you find what you are looking for, subject and life stage sort the sites.

Try these sites to evaluate and find accurate nutrition information also.

  • NetWellness from the University of Cincinnati, The Ohio State University, and Case Western Reserve University.
  • Dr. Stephen Barrett's Quackwatch. Quackwatch, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation whose purpose is to combat health-related frauds, myths, fads, and fallacies.
  • Find reliable consumer health and human services information at the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Service's Healthfinder®

American Dairy Association & Dairy Council Mid East includes resources and materials for schools, and it's easy to use. Educators can find the latest nutrition news, as well as order classroom materials and lesson plans from National Dairy Council®. In addition, school food service personnel can find valuable tools to use in the lunchroom. Take a few minutes to explore all this Web site has to offer.

National Dairy Council's® Nutrition Explorations offers nutrition activities, classroom resources, and teaching tips to educators. This site was judged one of the best sites by Tufts Nutrition Navigator.

The Washington State Dairy Council launched an online catalog. New materials include Healthy Habits for Life, Contemplate Your Plate, and Disordered Eating Tear Pads.

​​ is a comprehensive source of information on nutrition and dietary guidance from multiple government agencies and supports the President's HealthierUS Initiative and includes information provided by USDA, the Department of Health and Human Services and others.

Pennsylvania Advocates for Nutrition and Activity (PANA) is a statewide coalition of more than 500 public, private, academic, professional, and volunteer groups working to promote policies and environments that support healthy eating and activity. Established by the Pennsylvania Department of Health and funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, PANA has been operating since February, 2003, to empower schools, communities and healthcare providers to improve the opportunities for better nutrition and physical activity in Pennsylvania.

Nourish preschool children with books with this 1999 publication from Virginia Cooperative Extension Service, Publication 348-950, Nourishing Children With Books from Ann Hertzler.

Roberta Duyff offers a multicultural curriculum for preschool children in "The Foods I Eat: The Food You Eat." Contact Many Hands Media, 113 Broadway, Suite 1123, NY, NY 10010.

​​Sanitation and Food Safety Teaching Resources

FoodSaf​ This site has numerous links to food safety information.

Fight BAC! For Kids The Partnership for Food Safety Education’s Fight BAC!® for Kids webpage is where you can find kids’ food safety information, including resources for parents and educators with programming, and ideas and fun activities for kids that teach them about the basics of safe food handling. This page provides links to kids’ food safety curricula for all ages from pre-K through high school. 

Journey to Planet Earth Take a trip around the globe to explore the health of our planet, including the future of its food supplies. A teacher's guide and video segment is FREE to middle school teachers on the website, by calling your local PBS station, or from Michele Reap, South Carolina Educational Television, (803) 737-3394. Teacher materials were designed for both the classroom and after-school programs.

School Nutrition Ass​ociation (SNA)​​​​
NA is a non-profit, professional association committed to improving the health of children by advocating for healthy school meals and nutrition education. SNA represents 60,000 members of the school foodservice industry.NA is a non-profit, professional association committed to improving the health of children by advocating for healthy school meals and nutrition education. SNA represents 60,000 members of the school foodservice industry.

American Dairy Assn & Dairy Council Mid East includes resources and materials for schools, and it's easy to use. Educators can find the latest nutrition news, as well as order classroom materials and lesson plans from National Dairy Council�. In addition, school food service personnel can find valuable tools to use in the lunchroom.

Promote a Healthy School Nutrition Environment for your students with Changing the Scene- Improving the School Nutrition Environment. Anyone can order a FREE kit if they identify the school or district in which the kit will be used to make changes in the school nutrition environment. Click on Changing the Scene, then How to Order.

The Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 requires that all schools implement Wellness Policies and Councils by July 1, 2006.

The United States Department of Agriculture's Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion 
Included on this site is the MyPyramid; Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005; Downloadable Graphic and Permission Statement; A Resource for Nutrition Educators; Expenditures on Children by Families; Official USDA Food Plans: Cost of Food at Home at Four Levels; and Childhood Obesity Symposium Proceedings, among others.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) believes that schools should be taking a leadership role in helping students learn to make healthy eating and active lifestyle choices. Many schools have already made changes to their school nutrition environments, improved the quality of the foods served, and now provide students with more nutritious, healthy choices. USDA's Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) wants to encourage schools to achieve such results, and has established the Healthier US School Food Challenge to encourage schools to go further to recognize those who chose to do so.

Healthy School Meals Resource System, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Search this website for information about the USDA Child Nutrition Programs.

The National Food Service Management Institute (NFSMI)
Find nutrition education and training materials for schools and foodservice personnel at the NFSMI Publication Guide online. is a comprehensive source of information on nutrition and dietary guidance from multiple government agencies and supports the President's HealthierUS Initiative and includes information provided by USDA, the Department of Health and Human Services and others.

USDA Food Composition Database
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) believes that schools should be taking a leadership role in helping students learn to make healthy eating and active lifestyle choices. Many schools have already made changes to their school nutrition environments, improved the quality of the foods served, and now provide students with more nutritious, healthy choices. USDA's Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) wants to encourage schools to achieve such results, and has established the HealthierUS School Food Challenge to encourage schools to go further to recognize those who chose to do so.

Sanitation and Food Safety Resources

Food Safety: It's In Your Hands 
The August 25, 1999 national teleconference sponsored by The National Food Service Management Institute (NFSMI) is available for viewing on the Internet. Learning more about food safety issues and how school personnel can help prevent foodborne illness.

Your Gateway to Government Food Safety Information 
The 1997 National Food Safety Initiative Report spearheaded the development of this "gateway" to food safety. Find food safety information easily on this website.

Centers for Disease Control

Food Safety and Inspection Service

USDA/FDA Foodborne Illness Education Information Center

FightBAC! Campaign

"Healthy Kids: Germ Free" 
An educational kit for daycare providers and school-aged children. Contains 5 food safety fact sheets, 9 colorful min-posters, a leader's guide, a program evaluation sheet, and 2 activity booklets for 6-8 year olds, and 9-11 year olds. The cost is $7.00 from Ohio State University Extension, Wood County, 440 E. Poe Road, Bowling Green, OH 43402.

Food Safety House 
The University of Rhode Island Cooperative Extension Service with USDA Team Nutrition developed this curriculum for 1st through 3rd grade, and 4th through 6th grade. Six units teach students the basics of food safety. Order from KidsFirst, Inc. One Richmond Square, Suite 217W, Providence, RI 02906, (401) 751-4503, Fax (401) 421-0248, email: $40.00.