Food & Nutrition

Operate a Site

A site is the physical location that serves SFSP meals during a supervised time period.

Some organizations do not have the financial or administrative ability to operate the program, but they can supervise a food service for children. Recreational or enrichment activities at a site are optional unless claiming as a Camp site. 

You can look for an established sponsor in your area from the sponsor list. Please contact them if you would like to offer your location as a feeding site, or you may contact the Department of Education.

Site Eligibility

Three main types of sites in the SFSP program are: open, enrolled and camps.

Open sites qualify through area eligibility methods.  Open sites serve all children in the area on a first come, first serve basis.

Enrolled sites and camps serve an identified group of children who have proven needs. 

Enrolled sites and Camp sites must document eligibility through use of school lists or a Free/Reduced Household Application for Free and Reduced Price Summer Meals.

Area Eligibility

The No Kid Hungry-Share our Strength’s area eligibility mapping program determines if locations are eligible to host open sites.  The access to the area eligibility map is:

After the address of the potential meal site is entered in the box in the upper left-hand corner, the map will display colors.

Eligibility Map - Orange Eligible, Blue Averaged Eligible, White Not Eligible

Area eligibility may also be determined by school data. This indicates a location that is in the attendance area of the school that serves 50% or more free and reduced-price meals in the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program. 

School List

Free and reduced-price information from the schools may be used to determine eligibility for enrolled sites and camps. Sponsors may submit a list of the names of their children to the schools the children attend. The schools will indicate the children who receive free or reduced-price meals. Camps are reimbursed for the children identified; enrolled sites are reimbursed for all children if at least half of the children who attend the site qualify for free or reduced-price meals. 

Household Application Forms

Household Application for Free and Reduced-Price Summer Meals Forms may be used for documenting need for enrolled and camp sites. The household of the child must show income levels in the range that will qualify for the program. 

Camps are reimbursed for the children identified; enrolled sites are reimbursed for all children if at least half of the children who attend the site qualify for free or reduced-price meals.

Site Supervisor

If you supervise a site you will:

  • Attend your sponsor's training
  • Supervise activities and meal service at your site
  • Distribute meals by following SFSP guidelines
  • Keep daily records of meals served
  • Store food appropriately
  • Keep the site clean and sanitary
  • Help sponsors promote the program to the community