Sponsors’ that cannot prepare their own food may contract with a Food Service Management Company or a Pre-Pleated Vendor. As a vendor, you will:

  • Meet appropriate health and sanitation standards
  • Prepare meals meeting Federal nutritional guidelines
  • Deliver meals on schedule
  • Keep delivery records
  • Fulfill the terms of the agreement or contract

Additional Information:

Meal Patterns

A sponsor may prepare its own meals, purchase meals through an agreement with an area school, or contract for meals with a food service management company or registered vendor.

Meal patterns can be followed by completing the following menu guidelines. Reimbursements are based on serving nutritious meals to children that follow the set meal pattern.

Farm to Summer

The Farm to Summer Program, promoted by USDA, encourages sponsors to incorporate locally produced foods into the summer meals menus along with food related hands-on learning activities. Ideas include:

  • Serving locally grown foods in SFSP meals
  • Serving meals at farmer’s markets or garden sites
  • Involving kids in gardening activities, growing your own food
  • Taste testing locally grown produce
  • Celebrating locally grown foods in special occasions, such as kick-offs or spike events
  • Hosting cooking demonstrations or “food art” days with local foods
  • Taking field trips to farms or farmer’s markets
  • Hosting farmer - or other agriculture worker - visits to SFSP sites

For more details regarding Farm to Summer the following link showcases ways to find, buy and serve local foods in SFSP: www.fns.usda.gov/farmtoschool/procuring-local-foods. For general tips and guidance on Farm to Summer, use the link: www.fns.usda.gov/farmtoschool/farm-summer.