Food & Nutrition

Become a Sponsor/Application Process

Sponsors receive payments from USDA, through the PA Department of Education, based on the number of meals they serve. All meals are served free to eligible children.

Sponsors are organizations that manage the SFSP feeding sites. Sponsors must:

  • Complete an Annual Training
  • Locate and recruit eligible site(s)
  • Hire, train and supervise staff and volunteers
  • Arrange for meals to be prepared or delivered
  • Monitor their site(s)
  • Prepare claims for reimbursement
  • Ensure that their SFSP is sustainable through community partnerships, fundraising and volunteer recruitment.

The following types of organizations may be sponsors:

  • Public or private nonprofit schools
  • Units of local, municipal, county, tribal or State government
  • Private nonprofit organizations
  • Public or private nonprofit camps
  • Public or nonprofit universities or colleges

How to Become a Sponsor – The Application Process

The steps to become a sponsor include:

  1. Complete the New Sponsor preliminary paperwork located at the CN PEARS New Sponsor Application Package Site.
    (Agreement Number will be assigned by the State Agency after the forms are submitted. Leave blank on the forms.)

    Note: Sponsors that participate in another Child Nutrition Program only need to submit the New Sponsor Checklist and Profile and the CN PEARS User form.

  2. After the paperwork is reviewed and processed, Sponsors will receive an email containing a password and login for access into the Child Nutrition Pennsylvania Application and Reimbursement System (CN PEARS) and instructions for completing the CN PEARS Application Packet. 

  3. Complete the on-line CNPEARS Sponsor Application Packet. 

  4. Sponsors may not operate for reimbursement until the packet is approved.